Obviously Oblivious

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Ever fall for someone, and it's obvious you like them, but you ignored it? Welp, that's Nomi. That one dude who, for whatever reason, denied his feelings towards Randy. Why, you may ask? Well...

"What do you mean you're not sure?" Stevens Charles, Nomi's closest companion, asked. How much longer will this guy realize it? It's so obvious!

"I really don't think this is love, Stevens. Perhaps it's just admiration." Nomi replied, sipping his warm tea. Ah, such a fine taste. Stevens shook his head in disappointment.

"Look, dude. It's clear you like him. You have pictures of him on your phone, in a separate folder may I add, and not to mention that your pupils went wide whenever you see him. It's obvious, my dude." Stevens said as he showed his phone with Randy's picture on it. True to his words, Nomi's eyes lit up. No, no, Stevens may be the only one who noticed this, no one else.

"See? You clearly like him! Just go up to him and ask him out already." Nomi sighed and looked at Stevens with a gentle frown.

"Says the one who kept getting rejected by Heidi." He said, drinking his tea again. Stevens let out some curse phrases before sighing heavily.

"Alright, alright, fine. But look, Randy isn't like Heidi. He's really chill and enjoys gaming. I know you don't enjoy gaming, but you should try it out. Who knows, it could be a date." He suggested. Nomi thought of it and wondered, that's true. This could be the chance.

"Alright, I'll do it. But it's to prove to you that Randy is just my admiration, not a crush." He said. Stevens smirked at his words.

"And what if it was a crush, hm?" He asked slyly. Nomi chuckled.

"I'll get you a date with Heidi."

"Deal." They both shook hands to seal their deal. Today is a Sunday, so Randy should be free. Nomi looked at his phone and searched for Randy's number. He got the number from a group project they both had to do together.


"Say, Nomi. Should we exchange numbers? It should be easier to contact you later on." Randy suggested as he held his phone. Nomi nods and shares his number with the purple hair boy with barely noticeable red cheeks.

Flashback ended.

Ah, those were the days. Nomi decided a call would be faster, so he dialled in Randy's number and waited for it to be picked up.

"Hello?" A woman's voice instead of Randy? Must be his mom.

"Hello, Mrs Cunningham. Is Randy there?" Nomi asked politely. Manners are important, after all.

"Yes, he's here. Tho, he's still asleep. He said he had to do overwork last night. Is there a reason for you to call?" Randy's mom asked gently. Nomi thought a bit. Randy must be exhausted. He shouldn't bother.

"Never mind then, Mrs Cunningham. Have a good day." Nomi said. Mrs Cunningham ends the call, leaving Nomi thinking a bit.

"What's up, dude?" Stevens asked. Nomi shook his head gently.

"Randy is tired, so I shouldn't bother him." He simply said, continuing drinking his tea formally, tho Stevens knows that Nomi is a bit upset.

"Go visit him then." Stevens snorted before he got up and points at the door.

"Visiting love ones and friends are normal, Nomi. Not special." He said again, trying to make Nomi realize that being sociable isn't hard. They just have to give it a chance first. Nomi here decided to just reject any contact, unless it's Randy and Stevens.

"Alright, alright, I'll go." Nomi sighed and got up towards the door, bowing his head to Stevens and left. Stevens sighs and looks at the door tiredly.

"Nomi, my dude, get yourself together."

Nomi felt a wave of pressure suddenly come to him and became a burden on his shoulder. He knocked on the Cunningham household door and saw Mrs Cunningham opening it gently, wearing her sweater and glasses.

"Nomi, what a surprise. Please come in, dear. I'll make some snacks."

She greets him with a gentle motherly smile as he offers Nomi to come inside. Nomi bows respectfully, taking his shoes off and getting inside the house. Mrs Cunningham starts making some snacks for Nomi and for Randy when he wakes up later.

"How's Randy doing, Mrs Cunningham?" Nomi asked, helping her for the time being. She smiles and nods gently.

"He's doing alright now. He's gonna wake up later, so can you give the snacks for him? I have some papers to check." Mrs Cunningham is a sweet, loving, and gentle mother. Randy is very lucky to have her, Nomi thought.

"As you wish, Mrs Cunningham." He bows a bit before taking the tray of snacks and walks up the stairs towards Randy's room. A few knocks later, Randy opened the door with a groggy face.

"Nomi, why are you here?" Randy asked as he let Nomi walk inside. Nomi's ears turn a bit pink as he place the tray on the table for Randy, who happily eats them.

"Well, your mother told me that you're tired, so I came to visit you. Is it not normal?" Nomi asked, tilting his head slightly. Randy shook his head.

"It's normal, Nomi. Sorry, I'm just a bit moody. So, what do you want to talk about?" As Randy speaks, his face is a beam of light and smiling beautifully, Nomi couldn't look away from it. His blue eyes were like a radiant ocean in a summer sun. Truly beautiful.

"Ah, um..." Nomi thinks a bit to find any topics for them to talk about. Randy chuckles from it.

"Oh, did I just break thee Nomi Norisu, known for being so perfect and formal he never stuttered?" He grinned, making Nomi signs with a smile.

"You're such a talk, Randy." He commented, relaxing around Randy's presence. He loves being with Randy. Does it mean he's in love with Randy after all?

"Yeah, yeah, I'm such a smooth talker, I know. But I only do it around you since it's more natural and comfortable." Randy grins more, making Nomi feel butterflies in his stomach. He faked his cough as he looked away from Randy's gaze. Randy smirked.

"You like it when I'm flirty like this, Nomi? I don't mind doing it around you, yknow." He said, placing an arm around Nomi's shoulder. Nomi stood up from the sudden touch, and Randy realized his mistake.

"Sorry, I forgot you dislike sudden embraces." He apologies with an awkward laughter, something that Nomi finds it cute.

"I-it's fine." He said, smiling at Randy. Randy got up and opened his arm, letting Nomi get used to the embrace if he wanted to. Nomi hugs him gently and melts into the hug. Randy smiles from the embrace, and he chuckles.

"Wanna play some games later? I got a new Grave Puncher game." Randy suggested, and Nomi, with his widen pupils, nodded with a soft smile.

"Of course, Randy." Nomi said as they both sat down, playing the game together. Ah, Nomi thought.

Stevens win.

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