The Gift in You (Encanto Au)

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B.M: Yes I watched the movie and yes my favorite is Bruno. No questions asked.
Nomi P.O.V

Finally, wide awake. I walk downstairs as the casita, the magical self-aware house helps me serve breakfast on the table. The children from the town came excitedly for my youngest twins' gift, where they will be given a special power. All of my family has a gift. And soon my little twin siblings will as well.

Soon the children from town came to the house asking me questions, like what's my gifts and when is the twin's ceremony.

"The twins' ceremony is tonight."

"What's their gift?" One of them asked. I chuckled. 

"We're gonna find out," I said, serving everything while the casita decorates itself with banners and streamers.

"What's your gift?" They asked. I laughed it off.

"Who's asking?" I asked. They all replied.


"Well 'us', I can't just talk about myself. I am only part of the amazing Norisu." I explained. They just kept coming.

"Who's the amazing Norisu?"

"Oh you're not gonna leave me alone, are you? Casita, help me out." I chuckled and the house move in full joy. The children rushed inside as casita floats them in.

"So, wanna know so bad, hmm? Alright." I chuckled, showing a portrait of the family.

"My Grandfather is the one who started it all, with the candle that gave the family a special gift. Then to my mother, a healing gift using her touch. My father married my mother and gave birth to us. The oldest twin siblings Saigon and Diamond were born. Saigon has super strength and Diamond has the gift of a blooming flower.  Then I and my sister Naomi were born. She has the power of intense hearing. Then my youngest twin, we'll find out tonight." I explained. The kids were fascinated. I hope they won't notice-

"What about your gift, Nomi?" They asked. They noticed...

"I... I don't have a gift." I admit. I didn't get any gifts. I'm happy for my family but I felt left out. Imagine you're the only one who's not special...

"Nomi dear, come here please!" My mother's voice called me in the kitchen. I rushed towards her after saying my goodbyes to the kids.

"Yes, mother?" I asked. She's making food for everyone. So much food.

"Sweetie, you know how your grandfather is with this celebration, so he asked me to tell you to uh..." She hesitated. I already knew what my grandfather would say.

"He told me to clear the way, right?" I said. She sighed and hugged me. 

"I'm so sorry sweetie. Want some gyoza?" She asked and I smiled. She really is the best mother anyone could ask for.

"Thank you..." I said, eating it. So good.

"Go to your room, dear. I'll send you the food soon alright?" She asked as I finished my gyoza. I nod. 

"Yes, mom."

The celebration has begun 15 minutes ago, and this 17-year-old boy is stuck in his room instead of seeing his family's celebration. I sighed as I look by the balcony. How fun, they're celebrating their gifts. So, Buttercup can speak with animals and Butterfly can hear a pin drop. I don't...

"Why don't I have a gift..." I asked myself. A knock was heard at my door. Must be my mom.

"Coming," I said and open the door to reveal a purple-haired boy, blue eyes. I was shocked and walk backward as he was holding a plate of gyoza and a bottle of tea. He looked surprised too.

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