Norisu-Cunningham Children

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Warning, mentioned of blood, murder and M-preg. If not comfortable, please skip. You have been warned.
"Alright, Kuro. Your turn. Tell us how you were born in your family with Nomi and Randy Noriham (shorting it) and your family's relationship. Don't be shy." Mrs. Driscoll said as she sat on her chair with her skeleton husband. Damn, she's really into corpse. Kuro stood up and walked towards the front of his class, his friends and the families are awaiting for his story. His story is actually more different then anyone else. He took a deep breath and looked at his papers with the notes of his family. Here goes nothing.

"This is how my story actually go..." He said, as the flashback of his past revealed showing his two original parents arguing in the kitchen, yelling and shouting at each other. Kuro was the only child so he couldn't help but blame himself for everything. It wasn't until one day the shouting and screaming was suddenly stopped. Did they finally fix their problem?

Kuro rushed towards the kitchen and saw blood on his parent's bodies, both with a knife on their chest. They killed each other?! Kuro looked at the kitchen stove and saw the fire burning the house down. He can only do one thing.

Run away.

Kuro rushed towards his the door of his house and managed to get out before his house was caught on fire. The flames slowly burning his parent's bodies and all Kuro can do was looking at the fire with tears in his eyes. He quickly runs away and hide in the shadows so that no one can find him and take him to the orphanage.

3 years and he slowly walks in hunger and pain. He got attacked by countless criminals, no good food besides the dumpster. He decided try his luck and knocked on one of the doors he saw. The door opened and reveal a tall redhead with long red hair, brown eyes and charming look. Wait...

"Mike? Mike Stanley?" The redhead asked. Kuro looked at from his original name and was surprised.


After a while, Randy and Nomi soon know about Mike's past, and since Akai wanted a brother they decided to take Mike in as their own, now naming him Kuro. He picked up his new little brother and smiled at his new family. Flashback ended with him smiling happily. Everyone was touched, especially Kuro's parents.

"That was amazing, Kuro. What about your sisters?" Mrs. Driscoll asked curiously. Kuro nod and looked back at the audience.

"Well..." His flashback shown him playing with Akai and the other family and friends who's awaiting for their new baby sister.

"Aren't you excited, Akai? We're finally having a sister!" He said and smiled. The Norisu family floats around them since they're ghosts, and the friends are waiting patiently for the Cunningham siblings to help Randy give birth to the small sister.

Suddenly, the door was open revealing Nomi holding a small little girl with brown shades with blue hair. She looks weak and pale. Nomi places the girl on the sofa and wrapped her with blankets.

"Please take care of her, I need to go back to my lover." Nomi said and left towards Randy. Everyone looked at the girl, including Kuro and Akai. Kuro got up and smiled at her.

"Hello, what's your name?" He asked as his little brother stays on his head, looking at the girl curiously.

"M-my name?" She asked, scared and probably in hunger. Howard and Debbie gave her some soup and Theresa gave her some clothes for her to wear.

"Well..." She didn't answer when Nomi called them over to see their new sister. Apparently, the blue girl is invited as well.

"Huh?" She looked in the room and saw Randy holding a baby, sweating, messy and tired, but still crying tears of joy as he look at his precious baby girl.

"Akai, Kuro, meet your new little sister. Be careful." Nomi said as he invited them. The girl looked at the baby as well and was at awe. This little one is an albino, so white and so cute. Randy looked at the girl and smiled.

"You must be the girl my husband saved. Your name?" Randy asked gently, not wanting to scare her. The girl sighed.

"M-mistake." She said. Everyone was surprised. Randy look at her and smiled.

"How about Aoi? Your blue ocean hair makes it matching." He said sweetly. Aoi nod and looked at the baby girl, one name in mind.

"Shira. Can that be her name?" She asked as he hold the girl. Randy looked at Nomi and nod.

"Sure, that can be her new name." Randy said with a smile. Aoi, Kuro and Akai looked at their new sister with a smile.

"Hi, Shira."

Flashback ended and everyone was clapping their hands, cheering for Kuro's story. Randy and Nomi walked up to him with the rest of the kids and hugged Kuro lovingly, he's being such a great brother to the siblings and a great son. Kuro hugged them back it a smile.

"We love you, Kuro." They said. Kuro smiled.

"I love you guys too." He said and looked at his younger siblings. He hugged them as well.

"I love you guys too." He said and chuckled.

"We love you, brother!" The siblings answered back and laughed. One boy came up towards him and smiled.

"Amazing story, Kuro." He said happily. Kuro looked at him and blushed.

"O-oh, thanks, Noah!" He said and furiously blushing. Noah blushed a bit and kissed his cheek. Kuro was surprised and his face is as red as Nomi's hair.

"Catch you later, Kuro." Noah winked and left, leaving the poor boy blushing like a mad man.

"Oooh." Kuro sounded and fainted. The siblings and parents looked at him and smirked.

"I guess we'll be having grandkids, Nomi." Randy said. Nomi nod.

"Agreed." The siblings as well.


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