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"W-why are you doing t-this to me?" (I cried)
(I was shivering. I was trapped in a cave. I wish I hadn't found Mark. Never in my life had I thought Mark would kidnap me. Although I thought the same about Soobin too. But I was wrong twice and thrice, if I count Felix.)

"Oh Please! You know why you're here!" (Mark scoffed)

"I swear-"

"Shut up" (He lifted his axe near my throat) (I wanted to kick the axe or grab it from him. But how could I? My hands are tied by ropes, and I can barely move my feet. And I'm in this dark corner of the cave, it's getting kinda hard to breathe. I feel so claustrophobic.)

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for this?"

"W-waiting for what?"

"To kidnap you. Sooner or later I'm gonna bury you alive" (His eyes turned dark)

(My eyes were already tearing up. But I was controlling them. When I heard him say that sentence, I lost control)

"Please. No. Mark don't. What's gotten into you?"

"You don't understand what I went through, to look completely innocent and not suspicious at all. worked since you fell for it."
(He laughed)

"I don't understand! I haven't done anything wrong!" (I yelled, my voice cracked a few times.)
"That's true....but it's your parents who did something worse than wrong!
(He pulled out a knife from his coat and stabbed me in my leg)

(I screamed but he put a hand on my mouth)
"If you scream again, I will twist the knife deeper into your leg. So...Shhhhh" (He put his index finger on his lips, indicating me to stay silent)

(I softened my cries and took support from the wall. I don't wanna die...Soobin Please....please save me....I love you.)

"A-Atleast..tell me why...why're you..doing this" (I managed to speak.)

"Wow. You seriously don't know!? You seriously DON'T KNOW?!"

(I shook my head) "I don't" (My voice was like a whisper.)

"My parents work so hard and I barely get time to see them. But now they're working twice as hard! And I haven't seen them in so many months. All I see is my aunts and other relatives in my house, instead of my own parents and guess what? Three weeks ago, I found out that they've gone missing!"
(He glared at me)

"W-what's that g-got to do with me?"
(I asked confused)

"If your parents hadn't stolen our company none of this would have happened. There wouldn't be debates or wars or murder! Your parents are the biggest suspects here. Rumors say that your parents have drugged them and locked them somewhere secret. And if I kill you and threaten them....your parents will have to come back and then, I will force them to tell me the truth about everything they've done and I'll make sure, they're under arrest. won't be alive..I'm just telling you what's gonna happen in the future." (His evil smile grew wider than it was before.)

"But That's NOT TRUE! MY parents are the ones whose company is getting stolen!"

"Oh yeah? By whom?!" (Mark asked sarcastically)

"By someone else named sooyeon and Jae I think, has been trying to steal our company!" (I yelled)

(His smirk faded and anger was plastered onto his face.)
(I flinched as Mark suddenly slapped me)
(My cheek was burning like fire)
"Those are my parents names! My parents are successful. Why the hell would they try to steal your company?! Your parents have been sabotaging them since day one. We've been receiving a lot of death threats from your parents."

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now