The Mall

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"Why did you kidnap her?! Are you crazy?!"

"Now that she knows I'm her secret admirer. I didn't want her to tell the police that I murdered those students in the camp."

(Kai, beomgyu and taehyun gasped.)
"Hold up, so you think kidnapping her, won't get you to prison!?"
(Yeonjun spoke stating facts)

"I wasn't thinking straight. I don't know what to do....Wait...did you know that I killed those guys?"

(Yeonjun nodded)"yeah, I saw what you were doing, when I had gone for a walk in the forest."

"This is too much to handle"
(Kai said leaning against the wall)

"Let her go home. You're already in so much trouble. You can't afford to get into more." (Taehyun said, which I agreed to)

(I stood next to y/n) "Y/n, Go to your room..."
( She stood there confused) "Why?"

"I need to talk to them in private"

(She sighed and nodded before going to her room)
(Once she slammed the door. I told them) "I Know I'm in a lot of trouble, but the only way I could fix everything is by going back in time and asking her out instead of just being a secret admirer...And now I can't do that! I want to live with her. I love her. I don't know what's happening to me. But I can't leave her! I need her. I promised to take care of her."

"But Hyung, tell us why...Why are you so crazy about her? What is the reason, that makes you kill people just for her?"
(Kai said with curiosity and fear filling his eyes)
(I sighed) "You guys wouldn't understand even if I explained"

"We Are your friends hyung...i promise we'll understand. Just try."
(I felt a little comfortable by Beomgyu's words)

"I can't believe I'm about to tell you guys. I was hoping to threaten you and get it over with"

(I sat down on the bed and turned on the TV.)
(I hope soobin thinks everything through....Ahhh I just want everything to go back to normal.)
(After almost 45 minutes, I heard a knock on the door. It was Soobin, He entered and sat down next to me)
"Hey, where are the other guys?" (I asked him) "They went to school now."
"Oh" ( I replied back with a sad face)

"Y/n. I apologize for locking you in this house. I realize that, you also need freedom and I am ready to do anything for you. I can't keep you here all the time. How about I take you the mall?"

(Should I go? I haven't been outside. And I could easily escape or find someone from my school)
"Okay, sounds fun"
(He smiled and told me that, we would go there in a few hours.)

(I would be lying if I said, I wasn't excited so I changed my clothes immediately and went downstairs. Surprisingly soobin wasn't there.)
(That's when I saw him come out of the basement)
"What were you doing down there?"
(I asked him with a small pout on my lips)
"It's um..I couldn't find the car keys so I went down to check it" (He said pointing to the basement )

"Oh, Did you find it?"
(He chuckled before saying) "No. Now I remembered, I had left them in the your room)
"Idiot" (I laughed and shook my head before walking over to the couch)

(Oh Good, she bought it. I followed her and sat next to her)

Time skip (9:30 am)

"Y/n, Are you ready? Shall we leave?"

"Yes!" (She said enthusiastically)
(I took her hand and went outside the house)
(As we got out, I saw her looking at the house)

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now