Here to Help

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Y/ns POV

(It was 8 O'clock in the night and I was watching TV.)
(I got a phone call And it turns out to be Yeong ho )

"Hey, I'm staying at my friends house so I'll be back tomorrow after school. Don't tell mom about this."

"What do I get in return?"
"Seriously?! Can't you do this because I'm your brother?!"
"God! This kid....okay.. Tomorrow...I...."

" 'I' what?"
"I will take you to the mall and let you buy whatever you want. Oh..and its my treat"

"Yes that's exactly what I was expecting"

"So, you aren't going to tell mom right?"

"Actually I was going to keep the secret anyway, but since you made that offer I didn't want to waste it."

"oki byeee"
(I hung up and laughed)
"Hooray! I can do whatever I want now. I can even go to sleep late. Woo-hoo! Finally so peaceful"

(5 minutes later)
"I'm so boreddddd"
(I said while lying down on the couch)
"And I'm out of food! All that's left is vegetables..why did I have to finish all the chips?! Stupid."
"And now I'm thirsty. Why didn't I bring juice?"
(Maybe I should quickly go outside and grab some.....but that store is closed... Wait, I know an other one)
(I took my purse and went outside)

(After getting everything I needed I was walking back home and noticed a sillouete a few metres away from me but he was on the other side of the street. I was getting curious so I walked closer)
(He looks familiar I walked further and then I realized that it was Soobin)

(He didn't seem to hear me so I said it again)
(He was looking at the floor while walking. I could feel something was wrong)


(I Stormed out of my house because I had a fight with my brother. Its about something that happened in our childhood. It haunts me still...I was walking alone. I didn't know where I was going. I was completely lost. That's when a girl came towards me)

"What are you doing here al-"
(She stopped talking and started examining my face)
"Oh my God your lips and forehead is bleeding. What happened?"

(He didn't answer. So I didn't ask any other questions)
"It's fine you don't have to tell me.... But Come with me"
"To my house...You're injured. Let me help"
"oh no no that's fine. I'm Fine."
(I didn't listen to him. I took his hand and dragged him along with me back home )
(I made him come inside and told him to sit down while I get the first aid kit from my room)

(I came back downstairs and put the medicine onto the cotton. I sat in front of him)

(My breathing became faster as she leaned forward and touched the cotton against my wound)
(I hissed in pain and she moved back and apologized)
(She was being really gentle while applying the aid)
"Would you to eat or drink something? I was making some coffee for myself just now"
(I was going to say no but I really wanted to have some coffee so I agreed)
(After she gave me a cup of coffee. I asked her)
"Why are you alone?  Where's your brother?"
"He's staying over at a friends house"

" I know this might be a lot to ask but Could you...."
(I was a bit afraid to ask her)
"Go on."
"Could you let me stay here just for tonight?"
"S-stay h-here?"

"I had a fight with my brother and It may get worse if I go back. I don't have anywhere else to go"

(What should I do? Should I let him stay here? What about school? But He saved my life. I should do something in return)
"Okay fine you can stay in the guest room."
"Thank you so much y/n"
(I then showed him the guest room and told him if he needs me, I'll be in the room next door)
"Can I borrow some clothes? Mine have blood stains on them"

"Ofcourse. Hold on a second"
(I went to my room and got some of my clothes for him). (He asked me)
"Are these your brothers?"

"No he locked his room and My clothes are really big because I find them comfortable to wear at home."
"That's true. Thanks y/n. I really appreciate it"
"Oh I'm always here to help"
(I left and went to my room and started going through my phone to see anything interesting)
(After a few minutes the lights suddenly went out)
(And the problem is that I'm afraid of the dark. My breathing was unstable and I tried to turn my flashlight on but my hands were shaky)
(I finally got it turned on and went outside my room since I needed the desk light because that light is really strong and bright.)
(I walked downstairs. I tried to be careful but since I'm clumsy..i tripped and fell)
"Ahh ouchhh"
Soobin POV
(I was sitting on the bed and texting my friends that I was staying at Y/n's house. They were shocked.)
(I was suddenly thirsty so I went to the kitchen, Y/n had shown me where she kept the water)
(Just as I was drinking, the lights went out and a minute later, I heard a thud come from the living room. I saw a phone with the flashlight on, fallen on the ground)

(Then I realized it was Y/n. Shit. She fell. I ran towards her even though it was dark)
(In that second the lights came on. I saw y/n fallen on the floor so I lifted her up and slowly put her on the couch)
(When I touched her leg she screamed)
"Y/n what happened?"
"I-i tripped on the stairs. I think I sprained my leg"
(I sighed and told her to lie down on the couch. I wrapped her leg in a crepe bandage )
"You're going to be fine. Don't walk around much"
(Once again the lights went out. Y/n sat up straight. I could hear y/n breathing fast. I guess she's scared of the dark.)
(I put my arm around her shoulder and said) "relax I'm here"
(I smiled calmly when I noticed that her breathing was back to normal)

)(I put my arm around her shoulder and said) "relax I'm here"(I smiled calmly when I noticed that her breathing was back to normal)

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TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now