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(I was stunned, by what he did)
(I Tried to push him off but that only made him come even more closer to me)
"S-Soobin Stop!" (I turned my head to the side)
(He licked his lips and moved a step back)
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take it too far, Let's just have some Fun now."
(He picked me up bridal style and walked on the steps, that lead inside the pool ) " whoaa! Let Go of me" ( I screamed)
"Are you sure? You might fall right into the water"
(Well...That was true..) "He carefully put me down in the pool"
(The water is cooooooollll. I shivered)

"I can put music too. There is a bluetooth in the corner"

"Damn, I must say, you have a Great House"
"Oh Thank you. But it's yours too"
(He said, while he picked up a remote and turned on the Bluetooth. )
"Watch this" (Just as the music turned on, the pool emitted beautiful blue lights)
(I gasped and said) " What lovely patterns and lights. I've never seen anything so beautiful"

"I have. And it's you" (He said wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tight)

( Okay, Okay, Y/n, He is slowly beginning to trust you. My mind whispered to me. Just stay calm.)
(With slight hesitation, I slowly hugged him back)

TIMESKIP (Few hours later)

(I went back to the room after spending 2 hours in the pool with Soobin. I must say, he was a little touchy, and I was a little quiet and awkward. This 'trust thing' is going to be harder than I thought)
(I quickly changed my wet clothes to something more simple)

(Should I go downstairs and see if the front door is open? No! if he catches you, then he will know that you're escaping and he might lock you up. He already killed 2 people. Before I thought, he was an angel and look at him now. He's a Criminal.)
(I was pretty tired and I wasn't used to being far from home. I wonder what yeong ho is doing right now? I miss him....(I sighed, trying to hold back my tears. I took a sip of water from the glass next to me)

Yeong ho's POV
(I was seriously in a bad mood. Mark said, she was kidnapped. That's impossible....I can't believe this. This is so frustrating!)

"Ahh! This is all my fault" (I covered my face with my hands)

(Mark pats my back)" No, it's not. This would have happened either way."
"I promise, we'll find her soon"
(Emma said softly)
(All of us were really worried about her.)
(I should have been with her but instead, I was being immature, childish and getting myself into trouble)
(Mark spoke as he realized something)
"I Have a plan. There's a 50% chance it may work or may not work, but it can help us find Y/n."

Mark POV

"Are you sure? We could get caught..."
(Emma said when she came to know, what I was talking about)
"It's worth taking a risk" (I explained)
(She nods her head)"Okay, You're right."

"What? What Plan!?" (Yeong ho impatiently asked )

Y/n POV (Time skip)
(I didn't realise how tired I was until my eyes could hardly open. I fell asleep in a blink of an eye. As soon as I woke up, I glanced at the clock on the wall. Ah, it's 7 30 so fast. Oh my then I felt something on my waist. I looked down and saw someones hand hugging my waist. I slowly turned around and saw Soobin sleeping peacefully. It took me a while to adjust, sleeping in a new house but then I carefully and gently moved his hand aside and tip toed towards the door trying not to make a sound. I slowly turned the door knob of the room, it kind of made a slight noise, not too loud but it didn't seem to wake him up)

(I was pretty relieved on the inside. I managed to come out of the room and go downstairs to the living room )

(God...i hope he doesn't wake up. Please don't let him wake up. I went to the front door but it didn't open, no matter how many times I press, twist or turn, the handle. It just wouldn't open the door)
(That's when I noticed that, there was a keyboard on the side of the door. I sighed realising that it opens with a password. Damn, Why did this door have to have a password? I keep forgetting, this ain't a normal house.)

(what's the password? What's the password? Without thinking I typed Soobin. What was I doing? Who would keep such an easy password? I facepalmed myself. The borders of each letters on the keyboard turned red. I typed again, I put Bread...the letters turned red. Huh? Soobin said he loved bread... I typed all the things he loves but nothing is working. I was SO close to throwing a tantrum. But I can't give up this easily. Okayyyy let's try something else I put my name
'Y/n'. Nope. Y/n L/n. I gasped in surprise. I was filled with joy as the borders of the keyboard turned green. So I turned the handle of the door and it clicked open. Yesss I finally did it. I opened the door and infront of me was a forest. He told me about it, but I didn't think it would be that creepy)

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now