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Soobin POV
(Waitttt, Did she just kiss me? What just happened right now?)

(I was so lost, that I didn't notice that Leslie had knocked lightly on the door multiple times)
(I looked at her) "Soobin, could I speak to you for a second"

(I walked towards the door, but Y/n suddenly caught my hands.)
"Is everything okay?" (I asked her. But she did not say anything, her face was blank too and she looked kind of pale. What's happening to her?)
"I'll be back really soon, please take rest in the meantime" (I said to her and then walked outside the room)

(I looked at leslie, her eyes were slightly teary, and her hands were shaking, almost like she was shivering.)

"Soobin, you have to listen to me" (She said taking me to a room that looked like it hasn't been used in years, really dusty and unclean.)
"Why is everyone acting different?"
(I asked confused)

(She whispered)
"This is no ordinary mental institution."
(I rolled my eyes)
"Obviously, because if there are normal people then it wouldn't be called a mental institution."

"There are 10 more people here, in this asylum who aren't crazy but have been framed and trapped just like you two."

"What?!"  (Seriously? There are more people?)

"When the person who owns this place comes here, he does...drug testing on patients"

"D-Drug t-testing?"
"Yes! Last night he came into your room at around 3 am, and put the drugs in Y/n's glass of water. Sometimes they usually inject the people but since y/n's normal, he didn't want her to fight back. That's why he put the drugs in her water."

"WHAT! NO!!"
(she shushed me and continued speaking)
"Did you see her drinking that water?"

(I thought about before)
"Oh my God Yessss I saw her drink it at around 7am."

"That was half an hour ago! That means the drug has already started to have an effect on her. In about an hour, it will have a complete effect on her. And it's not going to be good. It's a mix of the same chemicals that were injected into you last night and a mix of some chemicals I didn't even know existed."

"So everything that happened before was the drug?" (I looked down and sighed. No wonder she kissed me.)

"Yeah it's taking over her."
"How did you know all this?"

"I overheard the boss telling his assistant everything. Come with me there is a security camera I need to show you."

(She dragged me to the office, And showed me the computer screen. It was all the patients room, I saw y/n standing near the wall. There were other people in different rooms. One girl was biting her fingers till it was bleeding)

"She is one of those normal patients I told you about, but the drug has made her go crazy"

"These drugs are so dangerous." (I said while taking in a deep breath)

"Look, This guy right here is pulling his own hair out. It's like he is a mental patient but he's not!"

"What will happen to Y/n?" (I was really scared for her)

"Each person has different side effects, that's what the boss wants to know. I can't tell you all the details yet. Now go and help your friend. I'll bring back some clean water for her to drink."

(I nodded and ran to our cell.)

"Y/n..." (I walked to her, she was leaning against the wall. Her eyes were red like blood.)

"Y/n! Your eyes are turning Red! Oh God! Are they bleeding?"

(Damn it! What do I do??)
"sit down"
(She didn't move an inch.)
"Please, Can you hear me? "
(I shook her a few times, but it's like she was a statue)
(I pulled her and made her sit on the bed. She looked deeply into my eyes and smiled)

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now