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(A chill ran up my spine as I looked at soobin with a confused and scared expression)
(He came near my ear and whispered)
"Do you know what these guys are talking about?"
(I looked at Yeongho and Mark for a second and then back at Soobin)
(I shook my head.)"No idea at all."

(Leslie came back and said that visiting hours were over)
(Yeongho hugged me, one last time and whispered)
"Don't worry Y/n. I will help you, trust me. You will be free soon"
"Thanks bro. Don't do anything stupid." (I patted his back)

(They hugged soobin and then left)
"Soobin, guess what, I have an insane roommate now...I mean jail mate"

(Soobin chuckled and said) "Wow, Congratulations. Please don't go psycho if you become friends with her."

(I smiled)"I'll try not to. Fingers crossed." (I crossed both my fingers)

"I wish you were my.....Jailmate"
(Soobin said looking down)
"Me too, I asked the receptionist, Leslie, to keep you as my 'jailmate' but there is someone else who is incharge in changing places. When that person arrives, I will make sure I am in the same room as you."

(I waved, He winked and then leslie took me to my room)

(Once I walked in, I see that girl sitting near the window)
(I sit down on the bed. It's awkward because it's so silent. I could actually HEAR my eyes blink.)
(I'm sooooo borrrrreeedddd. I miss Soobin. I can't believe I miss him, that dude literally kidnapped me....why can't I hate him? I can't!! He is helping me So much. He loves me so much. Do I like him? Do I love him? I sighed audibly. When Leslie gets here I'll ask her if I can meet soobin again. Why can't they have a television here? There's literally nothing to do besides breathing and blinking)

(That girl looked at me, what's her name..uh yeah Sidney)
(She stared at me for two minutes straight and it made me feel uncomfortable. So I spoke up.)
"What?" (I asked lifting my head up)

"She's here for you."  (She said in a deep voice)
(Huh? What nonsense is she talking?)

"who?"  (I asked casually because she's insane and I'm extremely bored)
(That's when the door opened, it was Leslie)
"The doctor wants to see you"
(That's Weird. It's like Sydney knew Leslie was coming.) "okayyy?"
(She told me to enter a room. Before I went in I asked her)
"Can't you see that I am a normal person? Why do I have to do this?"
(She sighed) "I know you are. But the person who owns this place, doesn't care about who is sane or insane. It's all about money."

"Is he the one incharge of changing roommates?"
"No, that's his assistant... I wish I could help you but I can't lose this Job, I have to look after my family"

"oh sorry, I understand. But can I meet soobin later?"

"Alright. Only one time. Because this is not school where you hangout with your friends and boyfriends"

"Okayyy.... But I want soobin as my roommate" (I whined like a kid)

"Not now. When the assistant comes I'll ask him. Okay?"

"Yes, please do."
(I went inside the room, and the same doctor was there)
"Hey Y/N"
"Yeah hi"
(He fixed his glasses and tilted his head to the side) "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude"
(I apologized to him)
"Its okay, I get it. It's hard to be in an asylum when you're perfectly normal."

"You knew?" (I asked him curiously)
"Yeah, you and your friend soobin are alright. I can sense this thing but I can't complain or report. I need the money. I'm sorry."

(why does everyone here need money?)
"How much do you earn working here?"

(He chuckles because instead of him, I am the one asking questions)
"About 3 million dollars a month"
(I almost slipped out of the chair)
"T-Three M-M-Million DOLLARS?!"

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now