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"Do you hear that?" ( I whispered to soobin)

(He whispered back) "let's hide. Fast."
(He pulled my hand and we hid in the darkness of the hallway)
(we peeked a little bit to see who was coming down the stairs.)

"We should rebuild this house. I mean, look at these stairs. They're so squeaky and on the verge of breaking into peices"

(Naya said as she walked down along with a boy who looked around 19 or 20 years old)
(He was wearing a mask so it wasn't easy to make out his looks)
(But those eyes! I've definitely seen him somewhere)

"Yes but we don't have the money to rebuild a house or even make a new one."

(That voice! Its the same voice of the person who called me before. I guess he's the guy with the multiple personalities, maybe)

"Did you leave the door unlocked?!"
(Naya said as she notices the front door was half open)
(the boy in the mask who was standing behind Naya, took a step back in fear)
"N-no I never left the door open. M-maybe the force of the Wind pushed it open, you know, t-the door is pretty weak" (The boy said stuttering)
(Naya somehow didn't notice it and continued complaining)
"see! that's what I'm talking about. This entire house is so dusty and old. Why can't you ask your parents for the money or borrow or even steal? We need the money more than they do! "

"I'm not going to do that. They work really hard. And it's not fair."
(She rolled her eyes and groaned) "You're so stupid"

"Are you going somewhere?" (The boy said as he noticed her stepping outside the door)
"In fact I am going to stalk Y/n and Soobin. See that those 2 rascals in the basement are totally locked up. Remind them that there is no escape. I'm borrowing your car and going to the hospital now. Your car is super fast. I'm locking the door from the outside so that anyone who passes by here, will think that no ones home. I had seen a few cops pass by here. But it's doubtful they'll find us. Also lock the door from the inside because this door doesn't get locked very easily. Byeeee" (She winked and shut the door from outside )

(Me and Soobin looked at each other and nodded)

??? (The boy) POV

(I sighed relieved that Naya has left. Should I free Mark and Yeongho? I feel really guilty for treating them badly)
(Out of nowhere, I saw two dark figures come out of the hallways darkness)
(I flinched and jumped back)
(I was frightened because I thought Mark and Yeongho managed to get out of the basement)
(The 2 figures stepped into the light and my eyes widened)

"Oh You guys are here!"

"Where are they?" (Y/n replied with a low pitch)

"Wow, you don't beat around the bush, do you?" (I said as I rolled my eyes a little )

"Don't waste our time, man." (Soobin said tapping his legs impatiently while his hands were in the pockets of his jeans)

"Fine. Come with me."
(I led them to the hallways, as I was walking, y/n asked me)
"Are you the same person who texted me the location?"


"Oh. By the way, you sound really familiar to me, Do I know you?"

(Without looking at me, he said) "Let's talk about this later."
(He quickly changed the topic when we started walking downstairs)
"Naya kidnapped them here because They killed her brother just to set you guys free. Now she's on the wanted list and she is really angry about this. She's actually planning to kill you all. But you guys are really strong, I'm pretty sure nothing will happen to you. You've gone through ALOT of trouble. You'll survive literally anything that comes your way. You guys are such rebels. It must be cool to break rules, right?"

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now