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The same day
"Don't go outside today. Stay until you've recovered." (My Brother warned me)
"Okay then, Will you atleast buy me some food?"

(My brother sighed but agreed)
(I went in my room and plugged in my headphones and started listening to music, just then a few notifications interrupted the songs. I was curious so I opened them.)

Secret admirer - Hey
Secret admirer - I'm sorry...
Secret admirer - Are you angry with me?
Secret admirer - I guess it's my fault that you fainted.

You - what do you mean?
You - I'm not angry with you. Maybe a little mad, that you're not telling me, who you are.
You - And It's not your fault that I fainted. It's because, I met that boy the night before he was killed, I was just in shock.

Secret admirer - No. What I'm saying is that....
Secret admirer - If I hadn't killed him, maybe you wouldn't be scared right now.

You - ...
You - WAIT...WHAT!?!
(my heart was beating so fast I could feel it in my throat)
You - It was you?
You - You killed him?

Secret admirer - Listen, I'm sorry
Secret admirer - I was Just trying to help you.
Secrets admirer - And I'm sorry for killing the other guy. He was a playboy and wanted to use you. I was spying on him. I also heard him talking to his friends about you. I didn't want you to get hurt.

(I was shivering while typing. I can't believe, I'm texting a murderer. I need to calm down)
You - I understand what you're trying to do. But it's wrong.

Secret admirer - I know I know.
Secret admirer - I guess I love you too much.

You - No! I guess you're just too obsessed.

Secret admirer - y/n...
Secret admirer - I said I'm sorry.

(I was too worried and threw my phone and headphones aside)
(I hugged my knees, as I'm still trying to process everything that just happened. I need to find him. I was not taking it seriously before. I thought that he would tell me who he is by now, but I guess I will have to find out on my own. There is something seriously wrong with him. He's not thinking straight. Is it too soon too involve the cops? No one will believe me. I would require a lot of evidence.)

The Next day at school

(I was In the cafeteria. I was pretty early. Just as I was about to eat, someone sat in front of me)
(I looked and saw...Yeonjun. what is Soobin's friend doing here?)
"Hi, yeonjun what a-"
(He cuts me off) "Y/n, we don't have much time"
(Omg I remember....This was the voice!)
(I Gasped) "You're the one who whispered to me once we got back from the camp, Something about soobin."
(He looked at me and nodded)

"(He looked at me and nodded)

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TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now