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*Next day at school*
(Me and Emma went to our seats and started talking. When the teacher arrived everyone had their attention on her.)
"Students! Good news, I talked to the principal and he said that on Sunday he'll take us for a camping trip....for 5 days!!"
(The students started screaming happily )
(Emma was already writting the information down. The place, the clothes, foods, games, tents etc etc.)
"Y/n! you're coming right?"
(She said to me, excitedly)
"I don't know, I think-"
"NO! You are coming!"
(Mark came towards us, when he heard our conversation)
"Y/n You're not coming?"
"Um..I don't-"
(I didn't know how to answer Marks question)
(He took my Hands)
"Y/n, c'mon, it'll be fun. Your brother is going too."
"Yeong ho is going too?"
"Yeah he said so.."
(Emma was waiting for my answer eagerly)
"okay........I guess, I'm coming with you guys."
(Emma and Mark clapped thier hands like little kids)
(How dare Mark touch Y/n! But atleast Y/n's coming for the camping trip. This will be perfect)
"Guys, let's pack our stuff for the trip"
(I said, while making a note of the things, I needed to carry)
(Yeonjun looked at me weirdly and said)
"I thought you don't like staying outdoors..wait a sec....is it because Y/n is going?"

"So what if it is?"
(Yeonjun rolled his eyes.)
"Fine. Do what you want"

Y/n POV - At Home

(I was packing my clothes in the bag and I decided to take a break to eat some fries which were kept on the table. I put on the TV and started schrolling through my phone, that's when I heard my phone go 'ding')
(I rolled my eyes when I opened the chats)
Unknown - Y/N!!!!!!!

You - Shhh I'm busy..

Unknown - What do you mean 'busy'? You're eating fries 🍟 and watching a movie on TV!!!

You - fskwhhsjdnedv What the hell! WHERE ARE You?

Unknown - whoops! My bad.

(I looked to the direction of my window and noticed a shadow)
(I rushed and looked out but even if I chase him, he's already too far. Damn it!! He runs fast. I was able to only see his hoodie that was slightly bluish with a black shade. Ooh he's tall too. But there are so many guys in my school who are tall)

(I carried my huge bag into the Bus. Emma followed behind me)
(I found 2 empty seats and sat down immediately. Emma came dragging her suitcase and sat next to me)
"Me too! I wonder how the camping site looks"
(The teacher stepped inside the bus) "Okay! BOYS AND GIRLS, There will be another class joining this trip. They have already reached their destination. These students are not from our school so we'll separate the area. Our school students on the right side and the other school will be on the left. Make sure that you are not mixed up with the other school."
(The students yelled)
(And the bus driver started the bus)
(The bus was filled with the noises)
(We sang songs, laughed and danced in the bus)

(Me and Emma set up our tent)
(We saw the other school students looking at some of us from the other side)
(Emma And I ignored them and continued our work)
(Soobin and his friends came towards us)(Soobin looked at me and said
"y/n, is it okay if we set up our tent next to yours?
"O-oh yeah of course go ahead"
(His friends thanked us and started building the tent)
(Emma whispered to me)
"Y/n, look at that cute guy... He's staring at you."
(Emma shifted her gaze to a guy from the other school)
(I saw him walking over to me)
(I looked at him carefully and then I realized)
(Jae was my childhood friend. He moved to Australia 2 years ago and I haven't seen him since.)

(Great. Now y/n will spend time with him. Uhggg )
(I need to get her away from him. I have to create a whole new plan now)
(Y/n was talking to that guy, I think they've met each other before. I looked over to where Soobin was and saw him glaring at that guy talking to Y/n. I look at Taehyun who also noticed it. He just smiled at me, shrugged and then walked away. But I was scared)

(It was 2 pm and me and Emma were helping Mark and his friend set up the tent)
(After few minutes Soobin came over to me)
"Y/n, The teacher asked you and me to get firewood for the camp fire"
"Okay then, let's go."
(I looked at my friends and told them that I'll be back soon.) (They seemed worried. They looked at each other and then looked down before clearing their throat.)
"O-Okay But....."
(I waited for Emma to continue her sentence)
"...Take care"
(Mark and Emma smiled at me which kinda seemed forced but maybe I'm overthinking it)

(Me and Soobin went around collecting firewood and later on Soobin bumped into someone)
"I-Im sorry I was-"
(He stopped talking when he saw who it was. The boy stared at me )
"Hi, Y/n"
"H-hey Jae"
"What are you doing alone in the forest?"
(Soobin answers)
"The teacher told us to collect Wood"
"Ah I see. Do you guys need help"

"No! We got this"
(Soobin sounded a bit rude. I don't know why )
"O-okay, Y/n seems to have trouble holding all the wood. Maybe I'll help with that. Let me hold them for you"

"Okay, Thanks Jae."
(I hand him half the bundle that was in my hand)
"There are some more sticks near that tree." (Soobin said as he walked in that direction)

(Me and Jae also walked over to that tree)

(Jae suddenly gasped) "oh no! I left my backpack under the tree, near the lake, I forgot to get it back. Hold on Ill be back soon." (Jae said as he ran to the other side of the area)

(Soobin was gazing at the tree and thinking about something)
(I waved my hands in front of his face)
"Earth to Soobin....Hey!"
(He gets startled but chuckles and says..)
"I remembered I need to collect dry leaves and stones too. Stay here and don't move. You don't wanna get lost"
"Okay okay"
(He leaves and I wait for him)
(15 minutes later)
"Oh my God, where is he? Which country did he go to? Is he collecting every single leaf and stone?"

(I was getting worried because Jae also hadn't shown up)
(I see a shadow, far away that was coming towards me)
"Hey Y/n!!"
(Soobin came panting heavily)
"Where were you? And why hasn't Jae come back. Should we go find him?"
"Wait! While I was searching for dry leaves I met Jae. The teacher called him over to help some students who were injured. J-Jae gave me the sticks back"
"Oh OK." ( I took the bundle from him and went to the camping site.)
(Emma came and said)
"feeew..Y/n, there you are!"
(She said sounding relieved)
(She started helping me and Soobin set up the wood for the camp fire)
"I'll get the lighter from the teacher"
(Soobin said as he got up)
(while I laid each stick in a circle, I noticed some kind of liquid from the bundle of sticks)
(I touched it with my fingers and my eyes widened)
(I look at Emma and show her)
"I-Is this blood?"
(I whispered)
(She was shocked, confused and a little paranoid but she told me to pretend as if nothing happened)
"I need to tell you something but it's not the right time. Just act normal. you need to trust me on this and stay away from Soo-
(Emma stopped talking when Soobin came and asked me a question)
(Y/n is acting weird and uncomfortable. I should ask her what's going on)
(I walked towards her)
"Everything okay?"(She nodded and said she was going to eat something )
"I'm kinda h-hungry, I'll be right back."


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TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now