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Time Skip -MORNING

(I woke up the next morning and saw Y/n sleeping next to me.... OH MY GOD.....I've been dreaming of waking up next to her for so long. Oh no..I guess, I fell asleep while talking to her. Stupid me.) (I sat up straight, well, not exactly straight. I sat up and looked at her sleeping peacefully. She's an angel. I swear, How could that boy try to rape her! I'm so glad I saw her at the right time. You see...Stalking comes in handy.)
( she opened her eyes)
"Good morning Pri- Y/n" (Geez Soobin! She does not know that, you're her admirer. Stop calling her princess when you're around her)
"Good morning, soobin. How did you sleep? " (She smiles at me)
"Really good. Thank you."


(We suddenly heard the teachers voice)

(Me and Soobin came outside the tent)
(The students had a frown on their face) "okay..." (They said as they went back to their tents)
"We're sorry about shortening your camp. Next time, we'll take you to a water park, okay?"

"YES TEACHER!" (The students shouted excitedly)
"Okay, Y/n I'll go pack my bags..see ya. Thanks for letting me sleep in your tent."
(Soobin waves and runs to his tent)
(I nodded and went back to my tent)
(Emma came inside)
"Hey Y/n. How are you feeling?"
"So far so good...Your stuff is there"(I pointed) "Let's finish packing"

(I suddenly heard a girl scream. But we usually hear that since there are a lot of bugs & insects roaming here and it freaks most of the students out. Ew.)
TIMESKIP   (after packing)

(I finished packing and told Emma that I was going to save us a seat on the bus)
(I walked outside and noticed that there was a group of students surrounded near the trees. Some of them were screaming hysterically. The teachers were frozen in shock) (I wonder what they're looking at)
(Everyone else was looking very terrified)
(I suddenly saw Mark calling me, from that group of students)
"Y/n!" (He gestures for me to come over quickly)
(I rushed towards him)
"I was right, y/n! Look at this!" (He points worriedly)
(I look in the direction, that is the center and what I saw made me gasp in horror)
(The students were covering their mouth in shock)
(I was terrified.) (I couldn't believe there was another dead body and it was that same boy, who tried to hurt me, last night. He was lying on the ground lifelessly. His face was bleeding, there were a lot of wounds on his body)
(Did the guy who saved me, kill him? Did he kill the previous one too? I was shaking) (This can't be happening)
(Does that mean, I have met the murderer? The murderer knows my name)

(Y/n seemed horrified, it's like she knew that boy. Her face was turning pale and she her breathing was too fast)
"Y/n, are you-"
(Before I could finish my sentence, she fainted. I instantly caught her)
"Oh MY god Y/n, wake up!!"
(The students were staring at us, worriedly. I don't care. I carried her and took her to the bus. Emma came and was shocked)
" what happened!?!"
"She fainted after seeing the body. Could you, help me carry her luggage"
(She nodded and hurriedly, took her bag over her shoulder. I carefully took Y/n and put her in a seat.)
"What happened to Y/n!?"

(I turned around and looked at the person)
"oh S-Soobin. It's nothing. She passed out after she saw the boys dead body."
"Oh my God..No..."
"I'm not supposed to be in this bus. I'm in the other one"
(I wish I could help y/n but I have to be in the other bus with the rest of my friends.)
"I Can stay with her, meantime Emma comes" (This time Felix spoke)

"Oh ok, please be careful" (I told him)

(Soobin hands were turned into fists. He looked at Felix and asked)

"Why? Where is Emma?"
(Felix replied)
"She's helping the teachers make sure whether, all the students are there or not. She even has to wait until the police arrives."

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now