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(It was 10 am, I was kind of paranoid about what happened last night, when Soobin was about to leave, I kept asking questions, Like how are you going? Are you going alone? What if no ones home? And when Yeongho wanted to grab some stuff at home, I told him not to get anything, and kept trying to get them to stay here)
"Y/n tell me, what happened? Did you hear someone say something on the phone? Is that why you're acting so anxious"

"No." (I answered almost immediately)
(They looked at me with no surprise on their face.)

(I sighed and answered Yeongho's question)
"Fine...yeah I heard a guy, he said...."
(They leaned closer to hear me Finish my sentence)
"Save your friends before something bad happens"

(They looked at each other and then at me)
"Did the voice sound familiar?"
(Soobin asked sitting next to me and caressing my hair)
"Yeah I think I've heard him before. I can't remember who and where"

"It's fine, we're gonna be alright."
(Yeongho said trying to stay calm)
(I was scared knowing what would happen in the future.)
(Yeongho went out to get something to eat)
(While I sighed because he wasn't listening to what I was saying)
"y/n-ahh don't worry too much. Here you go. (He gives me a beautiful red rose 🌹with a wide smile)

"Awwww How sweet of you. Thank you Soobinnie"

(He nervously chuckled and scratched the back of his neck) "You don't have to thank me. But I like it when you call me that"

"what? Soobinnie?"
(He shyly nodded) "y-yeah"

(I chuckled at how he reacts)

(An hour later, the doctor came and said I could go home because I was completely healed and he said that If I wanted I could also stay today just to make sure I'm completely fine. But I declined )

"No thank you so so much, but I'm much better. And I would LOVE to go home"

(The doctor agreed and we started packing our stuff)
"I'll take you to your house, because Yeongho's not here"

"Oh Where is he?" (I asked Soobin)

"I don't know, maybe he's gone home"

"I have a weird feeling about this"

(I quickly packed my clothes and changed into another outfit)
"Come y/n, let's go" (Soobin called me)
(as I took a step further, my phone rang)
(it was Yeongho)
(I answered)
"Guess what! the doctor is letting me go home" (I started speaking immediately)

"great-great! OK Y/n listen to me. I need to tell you something"
(yeongho spoke really fast, it's like he was in a hurry or in panic )
"are you okay? Why are you talking like that?"
(Soobin came closer to me and mouthed "speaker")

(I Put my phone on speaker and listened closely to what Yeongho was saying)
"I was passing by Marks house and that's when his mom asked me, if I saw him today."


"I told her that he came home last night. She said that he never arrived. He's m-missing. I told his mom that he'll be somewhere around, hanging with his friends. I don't think she'll buy that. I called him 20 times, he didn't pick up even once"

(I screamed)

"But How?!" (Soobin and Yeongho spoke impatiently)

"First, we need to know where he is"
(I said)

"Who do you think did it?"
(Soobin asked)
"Naya?" (Me and Yeongho said at the same time)

"Yeah she's the only person who I can think of, who could do this"

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now