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(I was Really confused about what Emma said)
(Stay away from who now? Why was there blood on the sticks? I'm pretty sure it was blood. Why was she so awkward, when Soobin came near us. Something's wrong )
(All these thoughts were lingering in my mind. I need to ask her what's happening)
(I continued eating my sandwich when Soobin entered my tent)

 I need to ask her what's happening) (I continued eating my sandwich when Soobin entered my tent)

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(He came and sat in front of me)
"you seem bored?"
"Yeah kinda.. I'm not much of an outdoorsy person."
(He nods at my response) "I understand how you feel. I'd rather stay at home"
"Then why did you come here?"
(He sighed) "M-My Mom told me to. And when I say 'told' I mean forced.
(I laughed and so did he)
"What about you? Why did you come here?"

"My friends told me it would be fun and also my brother really wanted to come here. I didn't want to be alone at home for 5 days."
"That would be kinda lonely"
(Suddenly I saw a tiny shadow in the corner of my eye. I looked closely)

"Ahhhh SPIDER 🕷" (I screamed)

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"Ahhhh SPIDER 🕷" (I screamed)

" Oh no..."
"AHHHH I want to go home!! Omma!"
(I ran and hid behind soobin, trying to stay far away from the spider.)

Soobin POV
(Oof this spider....Y/n is highly afraid of spiders. She becomes like a 10 year old girl who just saw a ghost)

"Soobin help.."
(She whispered from behind my back)

(How cute is she.)
"Okay I'll get rid of it. Don't worry."
(I took a stick and went outside the tent to get the spider off the tent)
(I used the stick to remove it from the tent and chased it away into the trees)
(I went back to y/n to see if she was alright )
"Thank you, Soobin"(She sighed relieved)
"No problem"
"Aren't you scared of spiders too?"
(Yes, but I'll do anything to show you how much you mean to me)
"Y-yeah but you seem to be scared of it more than I am."
(She giggled and told me to sit down)
"Here I made sandwiches"
(She gave me one)
" I-I' fine"
(I gladly took the sandwich and ate it)
(Umm delicious 😋 )


(Me and Soobin came outside the tent and sat near the campfire along with the other students and each of us started telling horror stories to each other)

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now