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"Let's go back home." (I said with a straight face)
"Aw so fast?" *pout*
"Yes, now come on" (I grabbed Woo-bins hand)

(We ran straight home, which made Woo-bin tired. Good, now he'll sleep well.)

(I tucked Woo-bin into his bed and hurried to my room)
(I turned on my computer and plugged my phone to it)
(Luckily, I put a tracker inside Y/n's purse a long time ago. She still hasn't figure it out.)

(Yes. It's connected. I can track her location....I eyed the red icon that was moving fast. wait where is she going? The red icon stops moving. Oh my God! Why are they at the hospital?)
(I'm going there right now.)

(I ran downstairs and grabbed my coat. I quickly ran outside and started my car.)

"Please tell me I don't have to stay here overnight" (I begged the doctor as I adjusted the pillow behind me)
"You don't have to. Unless you want to?"
"Thank you. I'm going home as soon as possible. And How is my friend, Emma"

"She's in a serious condition becuase of her head damage."

"Her what?!" (I said shocked)
"Yes, Head damage. She has terribly injured her head. And since she was not treated for the wound before, it's caused a Contusion."

"What's that?"
"It's a bruise on the brain itself. It is internally bleeding And has also caused swelling"

"Oh my God! What will happen to her?"

"She's been throwing up and fainting a couple of times. Seeing the injury from the x ray, there's a chance she could be getting hallucinations. And losing certain parts of her memories. But I'm sure she'll recover soon. The operation is complete and it went well. So you need not worry."

(I caught my head in frustration)
(If I had known she was alive all this while, I would have saved her.)

"Don't get stressed out. I was not supposed to tell you this. Try to stay calm. You don't wanna get another concussion."
(I took a few deep breaths)
"Can I atleast see her?"

"Okay. But then come back here in an hour to take your medication. She's in the room next to yours."
(The doctor leaves and I drink the water in my glass)
(I stood up carefully, trying not to get a head rush.)
(I looked up and saw Yeongho near the door) "Yeongho" (I smiled weakly)

(He walked towards me and hugged me) "Ah Thank God you're okay. The doctor told me everything that happened to Emma."

"*sigh* Me too"

"Come on, let's go see her" (Yeongho said holding my hand)

(We went to the next room) (The nurse was feeding Emma, food.)

"I'll do that." (I said to the nurse and took the plate from her) (The nurse bowed and left)
(I cleared my throat and said)
"How are you feeling?"
"Much better. Thank you for everything"
"Anything for you." ( I smiled and fed her the food)
"Oh wait! Where is Felix and Mark?"
(I asked Yeongho)
"Well, As you can see its past midnight. And Felix has got another personality. And His Name is Josh.... Mark and a few other doctors are chasing him." *sigh*

"Oh No....Its too bad I didn't get to meet Josh. (I looked at Emma) well  um...Are you well enough to tell me everything that happened to you? don't have to if- "
(She cut me off and told me)
"No. No. I'll tell you. I r-really need to tell y-you this."

Mark POV
( I spoke to the doctor that, chasing Felix or Josh or whoever he is, is not a good idea. I took the injection from one of the doctors and told them that I'll approach him with caution and patience.)
(Josh then ran into the washroom)

)(Josh then ran into the washroom)

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(Now it'll be easier to catch him. It's like catching a bird.)
(I put the injection behind my back and entered the washroom. It was empty and silent.)
(I took a few steps in the front and slowly opened the first stall of the restroom)
(There was no one. Even in the second one. But the third door was I knocked on it)
"Hey Josh, Come on out. Do you really want to wait for hours in that toilet?....I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just gonna ask you what you want...I'll give it to you."

(The door slowly opened as I gripped the injection behind me tightly.)
"I want to talk to My Boss and Naya."

"Okay ,okay tell me who's your boss? And why do you want to talk to Naya?"

"To tell her that Emma has escaped"

"Wait? Is she the one behind all this?"
(I asked shocked)

"No, Naya is actually forced to do all this. Naya's trying to help us.It's the boss who is behind all this."
"Who is your boss?" (I asked curiously)

"I can't say his name!"

"Listen to me Jack, you n-"

"I'm not Jack. That's my Brother. Its Josh. Jack doesn't come here often"
"Oh sorry. But I need more information on this."

"Why? Are you gonna call and tell the police ?
"No, Ofcourse not. I really want to help you. Come with me, Let's talk about it. Okay? Please?" (I lightly put my arm around his shoulder )

"O-Okay" (He said nervously)
(I was going to take him in the same room where Emma was. But Josh stopped me when we were about to reach there)
"Oh my! Look! Over there! That's my boss. He's here. Oh no, I'm in deep trouble. Very deep trouble."

(I look in the direction of the elevator and my eyes widened as I saw Soobin come from there.)
(I quickly pulled, Josh in the room near me)
"Are you saying, that Soobin is your boss?"

"Yes. That's him."

"Wait, So he locked Emma there?"

(Josh nods)

"WHY? Why would he do that?" (I grabbed my head in frustration as I asked Josh)

"Because she found out about everything!"

"Because she found out about everything!"

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TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now