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Mark POV
"You need to explain everything to me. Tell me what the hell is going on!"
(I said panicking)
"It all started, when Soobin went to france"


"Naya was actually trying to help us she told me everything, I found out Felix had multiple personalities. And Josh was forced to do all this along with Naya's brother." (Emma said)

"Wait, How is she trying to help us?" (Yeongho asked)

"Soobin is actually a criminal from France and the police over there are still hunting for him."

"Huh? But Soobin is Korean." (I said confused)

"Yes but he moved to France when he was young because his father had to shift his job to a different country. He was actually bullied in school because he didn't speak French in a proper accent or dialect and mainly because he was an outcast. The girl he liked there also started bullying him. His grades went down and his parents were fighting. He and his brothers were helpless. Soobin started going crazy, he started beating up the bullies twice as hard as they used to hit him. His parents were called and he was suspended for two months. After a lot of persuasion, Soobin's father agreed to move back to Korea. Before moving back to Korea, soobin took his final revenge by killing all the people who bullied him. He buried two of them alive and pushed some of them from a cliff into the ocean. Two of them fell onto the rocks. Anyone who got in his way, would be killed to death. He managed to move back to Korea without anyone finding out about the murders but nothing much changed once he moved there. His parents still fought and Soobin didn't have many friends as he was new to the school. It took him a month to fit in. But then his father cheated on his mom so she left and got in a car accident."

"Yes, he told me about his real mother. But that means soobin murdered people when he was 10 years old. Because his mother died when he was 11" (I said as I tried to fit the puzzle together.)

"That's right. And also his father is the Co-founder of the company of 'Fitsshop Station.' He is the richest person in the business company. And is always investing in them."

"Fitsshop station?? That sounds really familiar."

"That's the company that Mark's parent's work in!" (Yeongho said as he remembered it)

(I gasped) "Soobin never said anything about this."
"There's a lot of things soobin hasn't told you about himself. His father remarried a woman named Liah, who is Naya's mother."

"I'm confused. That would mean she's Soobin's step-sister, right?" (I asked)

"Yeah and Felix didn't know about this. Because whenever soobin would meet Naya and Felix, it would be past midnight, every Wednesday and Thursday, because on those days Felix's personality was Josh or Jack. He was always threatened by soobin. Josh saw Soobin killing a boy in the forest, like five months ago at the camp. Soobin then found out about Felix's split personalities. He didn't want Josh to tell anyone about how he murdered the boy. Soobin threatened him and made Josh work for Him. Felix only thinks that Naya is involved in all the kidnapping and murder. Whatever Josh or Jack does, Felix doesn't know about it, unless someone tells him everything that happened. And Jack only works for Naya. He's only involved in taking revenge on soobin and he only listens to naya. Soobin didn't want Felix to find out because he's in our school. Naya wanted to help us but she couldn't, because Soobin would have killed her. But Naya was still planning to Kill Soobin."

"But didn't she stab me because she liked Soobin?" (I asked)

"That was part of her plan, She doesn't like him anymore. She did, before but it was just a crush, she decided to take revenge on him because he used to torture her, when she wouldn't do what he said. In fact she has completed 5 years of medical school. She didn't stab you that deep, she wanted you to be taken to the hospital so you won't be trapped in the house with Soobin. That's when Naya told and showed the police the proof she had of him killing people. That's why he was taken to the mental asylum.
But Naya got mad and went crazy cause Edric died. But the doctor over there in the asylum is Soobin's friend so he helped soobin with whatever he wanted."

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now