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(Mark started telling me everything that happened)
"I was going to my friends tents to see if they were awake but then, the smell hit me, So I went to search what it was, then I saw 3 teachers standing a few metres away from me and they were whispering. so I hid behind the tree. The teacher said 'What do we do? We can't tell them that a student is dead. They will get scared and the fact that he was murdered might give the kids a heart attack. All the students are in danger out here." (Mark whispered to me so that no one could hear it)
(I gasped) "Do you know, who was killed?"
"No, I wasn't able to get his name. The teachers, themselves had a hard time figuring it out"
(Suddenly the teacher gave an announcement to gather around)
(We got out of the tent) (And stood near the other students)

"Girls and Boys! there has been some problems that we're facing. Due to that we will be going back home, tomorrow morning."

(The students groaned and looked down)
(Me and Mark looked at each other with a horrified expression)

Timeskip - (1 hour later)

(Emma woke up and I told her everything that happened )

"Ahhhh we need to get out of here. This is getting horrible. We can't wait till tomorrow morning, what if someone else dies?"
"Shhh Calm down. No one should know about this. Okay?"
(She nodded and went outside)
(I just hope no one, I know dies. Wait! Was it related to the blood that I found on the sticks...... Nah! Maybe Soobin hurt his hand and I didn't notice ) (I shrugged it off)

Timeskip (7 pm )
"Y/n, I want to use the restroom, the teacher told me to bring someone along with me" (Emma said as she entered the tent)

"Oh ok" (I walked outside the tent with Emma and went to the washroom. I waited for Emma to come back, just then I noticed a person standing near the shadows of the trees, hidden from the lights)
(I took a few steps back, he was five metres away from me)
(It started to creep me out so I saw his uniform and it was green in colour. So he is one of the students from the other school. The worst thing was that he was smoking and it made me feel like coughing. Does he not know that the teachers don't allow this kind of behavior.)
(I looked away for a second and then looked back and noticed that he was coming near me. Crap.)

(He had a huge smirk on his face. He threw his cigarette away and walked further towards me)
(My instincts made me take a few steps backwards)
(But he came in a faster pace and pushed me against the tree. God.....Is he the person who killed the guy from the other school? Is he gonna kill me too? Where is Emma?)
"Hey there, babe, Wanna have some fun? Come with me." (He winked)
"NO Let me Go! (I pushed him but he caught me immediately.)
"whoa chill, I won't hurt you.....yet"
(He chuckled evilly)
(His hands were traveling up my waist and it made me struggle even more)
"Get off me!! Ahhh!"
(He put a hand against my mouth)
"Shhhh" (He whispered in my ears And threw me against the ground)
(I started crawling behind)
"EMMA!!" (I managed to scream before the boy climbed on top of me)
(His hands were holding my hands down) "AHHHH HELP"
(I suddenly felt the weight was lifted from me, I looked up and saw someone pulling the boy away from me)
"Hey you! Who the hell are you?" (The boy yelled at the person) (He didn't reply but Punched him in the face right away ) (I couldn't see the person who helped me, only his Silhouette was visible, he seemed pretty tall, he was holding the boy by his collar )

"Y/N run." (The person said to me, his voice sounded Dark. And he seemed really pissed off)
(I saw Emma coming towards me, I ran towards her and grabbed her hand and quickly hurried to the campsite)
(I went inside the tent with Emma. My heart was racing as I tried to catch my breath)
"Are you okay? Who were those 2 guys? Why were they fighting?"
(I told her everything that happened)
(She was shocked, she did everything to comfort me)
( I was getting agitated and shaky)
(I didn't want to eat nor sleep) (I just stared through the plastic window in my tent to see the trees. Hoping I would never meet that boy ever again. I was still curious to know who was that guy who helped me, I never got the chance to thank him. I don't recognize his voice. He knew my name, I saw he had a blue uniform which means he's from my school)


(I was sitting inside my tent, browsing through my phone. When someone entered inside)
"Hey Y/n, the teachers and students are frying marshmallows. Take this"
(I smiled at my brother and took the tiffin he gave me)
(He looked at me in a confused way)
"Is everything okay. You're acting different than usual"
"Um.... I'm f-fine actually" (I said trying to pretend that everythings normal)
"No. You're not. You know you can tell me anything...I'm not letting you go, until you tell me what happened. Are you sick?" (He put his hand on my forehead)
"Yeong ho..."
(He hummed as a response)
(I told him everything that happened to me)
(I quickly covered his mouth and told him to keep quiet)
"Please, don't tell anyone"
"Ofcourse I won't"
(I sighed relieved) "thank you"
"But still. Who is that boy? I swear I will kill him. How dare he hurt my sister."
(I smiled and chuckled)
(He hugged me ) "If you need anything just tell me okay?"
(I nodded and hugged him back)

Timeskip 2 hours later

(It was so late but none of the students were asleep )
(They were either singing songs near the fire, frying food, gazing at the stars and making shadow puppets)
( I was sitting near the door of the tent and looking at the students)

(Emma was sitting in front of the fire and was sketching, what looked like.... me)
(She faced her book in my direction and giggled as I looked at her sketch)

(I gave her a 'nice'-👌 sign with my fingers)
(I felt someone tap my shoulder)
(I saw Emma looked away from me suddenly.)
(I turned to the side and saw Soobin looking down at me)
"Oh H-Hey" (I moved my legs towards the side so Soobin could come inside the tent)
"Hey I'm hungry" (He said sitting down like a little kid next to me)
"Hi Hungry, I'm y/n"
(He rolled his eyes)" y/nnnnnn"
(He started whining)
"Okay okay" (I opened a Jar that contained 🍪 cookies)
"Ooh sweet" (He took one and ate it)
"Hmm Wah ~ who made this?"
(He said with his mouth half full)
"I did and my brother helped a bit"
(I said taking one cookie out of the jar)
"its just like, how my mom used to make it."
(What did he mean by 'used to'? I looked at him and noticed that his eyes were slightly teary)
(I put my hand on his shoulder)

"Can you keep a Secret?" (He asked as he looked down)
"Sure" (I was starting to get worried)
"The lady who I call mom is Not my real mother"
(What! My eyes widened)
"She is my moms sister. My mom died when I was 11 years old and My dad ran away with another woman. Me and my brothers call her mom because she treats us like we're her children"

"Oh. I'm so sorry" (I said as I lightly patted his back. Whoa, he's gone through a lot. I felt really bad for him.)
"These cookies remind me of her."
"Take as many as you want"
(He took one out of the Jar and mumbled 'thanks'. His head was then resting on my shoulder)
"Do your friends know about this?"
(I asked him)

"No. I haven't told them, yet. You're the first person I'm telling this to."

"Why me?"

"Because.....I feel comfortable around you.

(Few minutes later)
(I looked at soobin and saw that he had gone to sleep ) (He must've been tired. Aw so cute....Damn it! Y/n stop thinking like that)
(I carefully put his head on a pillow. I didn't want to wake him up)
(I went and told Emma that Soobin was asleep. She had that worried look on her face. Why does she do that everytime, I mention his name?)

(She nodded and said that she was going to sleep in Myra's tent)
(It's like she wants to tell me something but she doesn't)
(I asked her this morning, what she wanted to tell me but she pretended that she didn't remember anything and said that it was probably something stupid and told me to forget it)
(I went back to my tent, I felt really exhausted and fell asleep immediately)

(She nodded and said that she was going to sleep in Myra's tent)(It's like she wants to tell me something but she doesn't) (I asked her this morning, what she wanted to tell me but she pretended that she didn't remember anything and said that it w...

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TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now