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(I was SO confused about the entire thing.)
(Why are they handcuffing me?! I kept yelling at them that I'm innocent and I've done nothing wrong)

(yeongho screamed at the inspector)
"Someone sent a footage of you killing a girl, Her dead body was found today morning."
(Me and Yeongho looked at the inspector in a 'Are You kidding me kinda way?')
"I Swear!! I never killed a girl. Why would I do that?"

"She Would never kill anyone! I know her!" (My brother tried to defend me)

"They found your hair and blood sample near the crime scene."

(I cursed, as I realized I'm being framed, was it Naya? but shes in prison, right?)

"No! This isn't true! I'm being Fabricated! Believe me!"

"You don't believe us? We'll show you the video of how you cruelly and sadistically murdered Emma sky in the forest"

(Me and Yeongho gasped with fear)
"E-Emma sky? Emma's dead?"

(We couldn't believe it! Everything is going horrible in my life right now.)
(Tears fell from my eyes as it was hard to process that Emma was dead and that they're saying, I'm the one who killed her.)
"T-this...can't be happening."

"Miss Y/n, Please come with us"

(I was totally mad at whoever it is that killed Emma and is framing me.)

(They tried to push me into the car. Yeongho forced them to let him come with me. They allowed it and took us to the police station.)
"Hey Kim! Show them that video"
(The officer called out to the man sitting in his chair in the corner)
(He came towards us and plugged in a pen drive into a computer)

(My wrists were hurting from the handcuffs)
"We'll let your handcuffs go, once we put you in jail...or maybe an asylum like your friend. You two seem to have a fondness for killing."
(No. No. No. No. No. NO WAY! No way am I going to an asylum. It'll drive me crazy.)
"No She's innocent, why can't you see?" (Yeongho said impatiently)
(The man played the video on the computer)
(It showed Emma running into the forest and someone running behind her, it couldn't be visible because it was pretty dark and it wasn't easy to identify wether it was a male or female)
(The person catches up to her and slices her back with a knife, she screamed, watching the video was so hard that my eyes were hurting looking at her. It felt like I was watching a slasher film. It was too painful to imagine what was happening to her)
(The person pushes her to the ground, I watched how she struggled, and the person scratches her arms like an animal and cuts her neck. It looked like a female because I could see the shadow of her hair. She started throwing some liquid on Emma from a bottle, she then lit a match and threw it on her. Her whole body was on fire.)
(I broke into tears and started crying)

(It was like a horror movie, the only thing was that, it was real.)
(The inspector spoke) "This is not the end. This morning we found her body cut up into pieces"
(This is NONSENSE! Who is that psychopath who killed her so horribly?)

(Yeong ho hugged me from the side)
"I'm sorry."


(We tried to explain to the inspector that I was innocent. But they had a lot of proof that I was guilty.)
"We found your DNA near the body. Her phone records show that you had called her at night twice."

"Yeah! She was in the Hospital and I was with her too! Why don't you check the footage at the hospital?"
(Yeongho stated)

(The inspector rolled his eyes)
"The footage of the hospitals, stopped working at the exact time when you went to meet Emma. Don't you dare say it was a coincidence. And EXPLAIN why was your blood and hair sample found near the body?"

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now