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(Was that y/n?! WTF where is she!)
(I stood up and went to the living room )
(That's when I saw Yeongho, Mark and Emma standing near the front door)
"What the hell is going on?!"
(I yelled and they looked at me)
"We were going to run out but then we heard y/n's scream coming from there!"
(Mark pointed to the hallways )
(I immediately ran over there. The guys followed behind me )
(I found the room, it was slightly opened, without hesitating I pushed it open)
"OH MY GOD! Y/N!!!!"
(Y/n had fallen on the floor with a knife on her back, she was unconscious. I looked up and saw Naya Staring at Y/n unconscious body)
(I screamed at her) (the guys behind me, saw y/n lying lifelessly on the floor.)
"Y/N!!!" (Yeongho screamed and ran to her so did Mark and Emma)

"She had to die" (Naya spoke with a small laugh)
"We wouldn't be able to be together if she was by your side 24/7. I can't let you be with her. That's why I had to finish her"

"GAURD!!!" (I yelled loudly)
(Edric came running )
(When he entered, he scanned the room with widened eyes)
"Take Y/n to the hospital immediately!!!"
(He nodded and carried her outside to the car )
(Emma stood up and started beating the hell out of Naya) (She banged Naya's head against the wall multiple times)

(Naya was screaming) "Soobin h-help m-me!!"
(I didn't stop Emma from beating Naya up. Although I was shocked that Emma was that strong)
(Naya deserved it) (Mark and Yeongho went along with Edric, to the car to take Y/n to the hospital)

(I called the police, and reported naya right away)


(I woke up with slight headache and bodyache)
(That's when I saw Soobin sleeping with his head down and his hands holding my hand)
(He sensed my movement and woke up)
"Y/n? Y/N! You're awake?!"
(He hugged me, I hugged him back but then I felt a slight sting on my back )
(He released the hug) "Oh! Please Be careful"
(I looked around the room) "Soobin? Why am I in a hospital?"

"That crazy, stupid maid had stabbed you. So We brought you to the hospital...I'm so so sorry."
"This isn't your fault, soobin"

"I t-thought I had l-lost you Forever. You h-have no i-idea how worried I-I was."

(Soobin broke down in tears)
"Heyy, I'm not gonna leave you so easily." (I hugged him tightly)

"Promise me."
(He said as I faced him)

"I Prom-....wait! I remember! How dare you kidnapped my brother and my friends!"
"Oops I forgot about that."

"Don't tell me that you're in love with them too. Did they find out that you're their secret admirer? Is that why you kidnapped them?" (I scoffed and said)

(I crossed my arms and averted his gaze by looking out the window)

"Y/n, I didn't mean to. I was scared. I'm sorry. I'll let them go. I'll even treat them better. They are here waiting to see you"
(I looked at him) "They are?"
(He nodded and went outside to call them)
(Yeongho, Emma and Mark entered)
(When they saw me we did a group hug)
"Y/n!!!" (They screamed excitedly)

"ahh Guys are y-you okay?"
"Yeah! Ofcourse we are. You're the one in the hospital" (Yeongho said sitting next to me)
"Soobin decided to let us go"
(Mark said and Emma nodded)
"That's great"

(Soobin entered the room)
"The Doctor said you can go home in two days "

"So I have to stay for two days in this hospital?! That sucks."
"it's just till you get better" (I groaned at what Soobin told me)

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now