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(I woke up, my eyes were a little blurry but after it adjusted to the light, I noticed that I was in a huge house. I was about to stand up but then I wasn't able to move. I was shocked, when I realised that my hands were tied with a rope and so were my legs.) (Then I remembered everything that happened. Soobin.)
"D-did he kidnap me?" (I asked myself)

"Why am I here? And Where am I?"

(I flinched, when someone answered)
"You're in my house." (Soobin walks towards me)
"Soobin? What's going on? Please! let me go."(I begged him)

"No, My princess. Now that you've found out everything, I'm afraid, I cannot let you go. You're mine now."
(He slowly caressed my cheek with his hand) (Tears were pouring down my face)
"S-Soo-bin *sniffs* untie me."

(he gazed at me for a few moments and agreed)
"Fine. but don't think about running away. Cause, the doors are locked 🔐"
(I felt dissapointed, knowing I can't escape)
(Soobin untied the ropes. There were purple scars on my wrist and legs.)
"I'm sorry, I didn't realise that, I tied the ropes tight around you."
(Once he finished, he threw the ropes away and helped me stand up)
"Don't cry, My princess. I will make sure, you are happy."

"I want to go home" (I mumbled looking down)
"You are home." (He spoke without looking at me) "Let me take you, on a tour of the house"
(He showed me the living room /basement / hallway / rooms)
"This will be our room. Beautiful right?"

(I didn't feel like talking at all

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(I didn't feel like talking at all. I looked at him. His smile was slowly fading into a serious look, as I wasn't answering ) (I immediately nodded multiple times, afraid he would do something worse) (His smile was back) "Good, it's already 6 pm. You must be hungry. How would you like to eat in bed, while watching a movie? I'll order your favorite food. Pizza? Burger? Fries? sandwich? Tacos?"

(I was too afraid to talk back. Everything felt unreal. Am I Dreaming? When will I wake up?)
(Whatever it is. Say something!)
"A-Anything is fine w-with me." (He nodded and made me sit on the bed) "Okay, Anything for my love"
(He left closing the door of the room)
(I waited a few seconds and then looked around the room. The door was locked from the outside and I started thinking of a way to escape. Damn...My phone wasn't in my pocket! Where is my phone?! What do I do?)

(I went to y/ns house but her brother said that she hadn't come back from school. I went back to school but now everyone had left. I called Emma and asked her if Y/n was with her. But she said that she never saw her. I called Y/n but she was'nt picking up. My friend lives, just 2 blocks before y/ns house, so I went to his house.) (I knocked on the door and he opened it)
"Hey, Johnny! Did you, by any chance see y/n."
"Uh...the cute girl that you hang out with?"
(I nodded) "yeah"
"I did see her running home, today. Behind her was that tall guy..what was his name? um...Su-"
(My eyes were wide open) "SOOBIN?!"
(Johnny snapped his fingers)" Yesss that's him."
"Why didn't you do something? Did you see what happened?"
(He shook his head) "I thought they were just being playful, Like kids because they are friends, right?"
(I facepalmed)"Okay, thanks for the help. If I get the chance, I'mma come by later to hangout. Bye."
(He nods and shuts the door, while I left to go to Soobin's house)
(I walked over there and knocked on the door. And A women answered, I guess, his mother)
"Hello auntie, I'm's friend. Is Soobin here?"
"Oh Hello Mark. Soobin Isn't home right now. I'm pretty sure he must be walking around. He'll probably be back soon. Do you want to wait inside?"
"Uh..No, thank you. that's fine but could I come back In a few hours? We have a dance competition to work on"
"Of course, you can."
"Thank you, auntie" (I bowed and left)

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now