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(Me and Emma decided to walk home from school)
"Y/n, you seem to be thinking a lot."

"I'm a little worried. I really want to know who's writing the letters....I mean, should I be scared?"
(Emma pats my back lightly and tries to comfort me)
"No, you don't have to be scared. I'm sure he's harmless and wouldn't hurt you. You don't have to worry. We will help you find out who he is. Don't be scared"
(Just then we reached my house)
(My body turned numb, when I saw another letter stuck to the handle of my door)
"H-he was here?"
(I said, while slowly reaching out my hand to remove the letter)
"Should I?"

(Emma took a deep breath and said)
"Yes you should."
(I opened the letter with my hands a bit shaky.)

Y/n, I'm glad you reached home safely. I want to be there with you, I want you to notice me. I know we can be happy together.....forever. I need you so much, I could possibly be next to you, but...they keep getting in the way. I can take care of you very well, my love. I don't want us to be separated. I'm willing to take drastic measures, just to make you mine. I'll still keep my name a secret. It will be better if you find out for yourself. I love you, Princess

(Lots of questions were going through my mind. Who are getting in the way? Drastic measures? Find out myself?)
(Just Tell me who you are. I won't even judge)

(Emma had her hand covering her mouth. She said....)
"We will have to find out who he is. Before he does anything stupid....I will help you but right now, I'm hungry."
"Yeah come in. I'll make something"
(I was still disturbed by the letter so I was really quiet and awkward. Emma tried to change the vibe to something happy)
"Y/n We should one day go to the amusement park!"
"That's not a bad idea. How about next weekend?"
"Sounds great!"
(Just then my Brother came in. Emma waved and he smiled at us)
"What are you guys doing?"
"I'm cookin noodles for me and Emma. Want some?"
"Yeah, I have notes to complete. So keep some for me later on"
(I nodded and he left to go to his room).

Time skip

"Y/n are you okay? You look a bit pale." (Emma said worried)
(I was reading a text by an unknown person who confessed that, he is my secret admirer)

Unknown : Hello princess.

You : who is this?

Unknown : You forgot me already?C'mon princess. It's me.

You - OMG you're the secret admirer!

Unknown - You guessed right!

(I looked at Emma)
"H-He found my number"
(She gasped and ran towards me. She looked at the texts on the phone)
"Could he get any creepier? Say something to him. We should find more clues about this guy"


You - How did you get my number?

Unknown - Doesn't matter. I'm just glad that you're replying to my messages.
Unknown - We should chat often.

You - yeah, we should!

Unknown - What? REALLY?!?!?

you- yeah.... Right after you tell me WHO THE HELL YOU ARE!

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now