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(Felix told us to come inside and sit down)
(We sat down on a huge sofa that was in the shape of the letter 'C' )

"Felix! Oh! Your Friends are here?"
(We looked up and saw a lady standing and looking at us)
(Felix stood up)
"Yes, This Is Y/n and this is soobin..guys, this is my mother"
(Me and Soobin stood up and bowed shyly)
"Annyeong hasseyo"(We politely greeted her with a small bow)

"Hm...cute...Here are some snacks for you. I'll be leaving now"
(She kept a plate on the table and left)

(We finished our project an hour ago, so we started talking about random things in our lives and about school)
"Today you guys had skipped maths class Huh? What did y'all do?"
(I was about to speak but Soobin chose to answer Felix's question)
"Me and Y/n went out to have ice cream"
"whoa! you guys went outside the school building?"
"Yeah but we returned within half an hour "
"What about the secretary who waits outside?"

"He saw us but we ran pretty quickly"
(Felix turned his head towards me and I nodded)
"Wow! It must be so cool to break rules"
"I don't usually break rules. But yeah it was cool"
(I spoke and Soobin smiled at me)

(It was already 6 O'clock so me and Soobin had to leave)
"Well...this was fun. We should hangout more often"

"Yeah of course. Goodbye"
(I waved and so did Soobin)
(We left the house and Me and Soobin started walking the streets)

(I don't know why but Soobin seemed kinda quiet. He was just staring at the ground)
"You okay?"
(He looked at me with his blank expression )
"Uh..Yeah I-Im fine"
"Okay... That's my house"
(I was going to cross the street to get to my house)
(I took a few steps. What I didn't notice, Was a car, that was coming towards me)
(I was lost in my thoughts, thinking about how happy Y/n was with Felix. I wanted to know if she liked him or not.)

(Y/n was crossing the street. I snapped out of my thoughts because I suddenly noticed a car coming straight at her.)
(Without hesitation I ran and pulled her back to the side walk)
"Y/n? Y/n? Are you okay?"
(She was in shock, still trying to process everything that just happened)

(My eyes widened, when she hugged me. I calmed myself down and then hugged her back)
"Oh my God. Soobin, Thank you so much"
(She broke the hug, I was hoping it would last a little longer.)
"No problem. It was n-nothing"
"No. You saved me. It means a lot to me. I appreciate it. You actually saved my life.....again."
(I smiled and said)
"You're welcome, just be careful next time"
(She nodded)
(I took her hand and made her cross the road carefully. She opened the gate to her house)
"Goodnight soobin"
"Goodnight y/n"
(I waited till I saw her go inside her house)
(I just can't believe Y/n hugged me. I can't believe I hugged Y/n. I might go crazy. I feel like I'm on cloud nine)

(Two days later)

(I woke up and faced towards the Alarm clock that's next to me)
"Today Is SUNDAY!"

(I said as I fall onto my bed and went back to sleep)
(My brother enters without knocking)
"Get up! Get up!"
"Not today! It's Sunday"

(I pull the blanket over my head)
"My friends are coming over"
"So? I'll stay here and sleep."
"No! You gotta make something to eat before they arrive or at least pick up groceries."

"Why? Find some recipes online and learn to cook"
"Y/n! Pleaseeee"
(I felt like covering my ears everytime he whined)
"Fine! Get out. I'll come downstairs in 5 minutes"
"Thanks y/n-shii"
(Anytime he wants something, he will act nice. Otherwise he just doesn't care)
(I got up and walked to the bathroom like a Zombie)

"My friends will be here in 5 minutes"
(My brother said hoping I finished preparing something)

(I did everything I was supposed too and then I thought about going outside. Because I'm not the type of person who likes meeting new people)

(I told him that it's fine and that I'll be going for a walk)
"Oh okay I would have introduced you to them but I don't trust them around you"
"Thanks bro!" (I lightly patted his shoulder)
(And then I went outside.)
(I wore my head phones and plugged them onto my phone then I started walking on the sidewalk)

(Few minutes later)

(While walking I met someone. I pulled the head phones down to my neck )
(I suddenly saw Soobin's Mother)
"Hello auntie"
(I bowed)
"Hello y/n. You're walking alone?"
"Um.. Yeah I was thinking of walking around and then going to a nearby grocery store to buy somethings"

"Okay. Soobin said that you and someone else are doing a project together"
"yes, We were absent on the same day so we were assigned to do the project the next day"

"Ah that's great. I should get going now. Take care Y/n"

"Yes auntie. You too"
(I continued walking, hoping to reach the garden and then maybe buying something to eat later )

(10 minutes later)

(I went to the grocery store and started buying different types of chips, biscuits, chocolates, cakes and anything that I wanted. Then I noticed a tall figure buying something from the Bread aisle)
"Soobin? Hey!"

(I was watching TV with my brothers and then mom came back home.)
(She set her bags on the kitchen table and started searching for some items)
"Aishhh I forgot to get carrots and onions. Soobin, can you quickly go get some at the grocery shop?"
"But mom~....I'm watching TV"
"Lazy as always....You know, I met Y/n, she was nicely enjoying todays day, she was walking outside and said that she was going to the grocery store too. What a nice girl she is."
(My head shot up as I heard her name)
"Okay I'm going Mom. Bye see ya"
(I took the money, a bag and ran outside to the grocery store. I finally reached and When I saw her, I pretended that I was buying items. Then she saw me)
(She walked towards me. I acted like I just saw her too)
"Y/n! Hey, what are you doing here?"
(She smiled and lifted the bags in her hands that were full of Chips, chocolates and what not.)
(I laughed and said )
"Oh! Is that for you and your brother?"
(her eyes suddenly widened)
"I forgot that I needed to buy stuff for my brother too!"
(She facepalmed herself and ran to an aisle that had biscuits stacked up)
(I watched her every move. She wanted the biscuits that were stacked right on the top)
(She tried to tip toe and jump but her hands weren't reaching)
(I walked to her and easily reached for the biscuits)
"Is this the one that you want?"
(She nodded cute.)
"Yeah thanks"
(she took it and then pointed at the top of the other aisle that was full of chips)
"Can you get that for me too?"
(I smiled and nodded)

)"Yeah thanks"(she took it and then pointed at the top of the other aisle that was full of chips) "Can you get that for me too?"(I smiled and nodded)

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TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now