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(Me and Yeongho jumped out of the car quickly. We were crossing the street but the cars and bikes kept coming straight at us)
(We soon saw him talking to a cop 👮)
(I looked at Yeongho and he looked at me full of shock)
(Jack saw us and pointed at us)
(I looked back and saw y/n and soobin coming out of the hospital. I waved at them. They came running as they noticed the worry on my face)
(We saw the cop coming towards us along with Jack. We too, took a few steps ahead to look confident.)
(Y/n and Soobins eyes widened as soon as they processed everything that happened.)
"This boy here, says you kidnapped him."
(The cop said in a serious tone)
"What!?" (A fake laugh left Marks mouth.)
"No way" (Yeongho joined in)
"Jack! How could you say that about us?" (Soobin said sounding offended)

"I swear, sir! These people, they kidnapped me!" (Jack said with an innocent look on his face)

(The cop looked at us with an eyebrow raised.)
(I noticed Jack smirk when the cops attention fell on us)
"We weren't kidnapping him, sir." (I protested) "Well you see..."

(Think, Y/n, Think)
"We were taking him to the doctor."
(I blurted out)

"And why is that?" (The cop crossed him arms around his chest)
"This boy here....suffers from identity disorder." (Soobin said confidently)

"He is not his original self right now...This is someone who is really Paranoid." (Yeongho said.)

"And are you related to Him?"

(We can't say that we're friends. Why would friends take him to the hospital? Instead of his own family.)

"Well, I'm his brother" (Yeongho said without thinking)

(The cop didn't ask any questions about that.)
(There are a few features of Yeongho that actually do match Felix. So anyone will believe them, if they say they're siblings.)

(Then the cop looked at us, waiting for an answer.)

"I'm Felix's cousin" (Soobin said.)

"And where are his parents?" (The cop asked curiously)
"They..own a-a business company. And..they're busy so...they asked us to take him" (I said stuttering a few times in between)
"Well...Are you related to him?"

"Yeah...I'm his (Say something. Don't look suspicious) girlfriend"

(The cop nodded slowly)
"Okay then. Take care of him"

"Yes, We definitely will" (Yeongho assured him, as the cop walked back to his vehicle.)

(Jack's jaw dropped)
"NOO! Don't believe them!" (It was too late, the cop had already left.)

"WHOA! That was tough!" (I said relieved)
"Now, come with us!" (Soobin said grabbing him by his arm and dragging him to the car)

"Ahhhh! You little-"
(Soobin's grip on Jack became even tighter)
"You better shut up Jack!" (soobin growled)
(Jack's eyes grew dark. He twisted soobins hand and kicked him in the knee)
(Soobin cursed as his grip on Jack's hand loosened, which made him run away onto a different street.)

"GET HIM!" (Yeongho and I said in unison before charging at Jack)
(We ran so fast, it was like our legs were on fire)

(I've never been to this side of the road. We saw Jack take a right turn and followed him.)
(How does he run so fast? I can barely breathe.)
(The second we took a turn, Jack wasn't infront of us anymore)
"Huh?! Where'd he go?" (I asked confused)
"There" (Soobin pointed at the trees)"He's gone inside the forest"

) (The second we took a turn, Jack wasn't infront of us anymore) "Huh?! Where'd he go?" (I asked confused) "There" (Soobin pointed at the trees)"He's gone inside the forest"

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TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now