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"Wait. What!?" (Soobin said shocked, his eyes widened.) "Did you say, you will go out with me? Was that a yes? youwillgoonadatewithme ohmygod ohmygod."

(I laughed)"Whoa whoa. Calm down....But yeah, I said yes."

(Soobin gasped in excitement and hugged me so tight, I was afraid my spine may break.)

(He put his hands on my waist and kissed me multiple times on my face)

(I giggled)"Soobinniee. That tickles"

(He looked at me with a big smile. His eyes were sparkling even though it was dark.)

(He cupped my face lightly with his hands and kissed me. After a few seconds, I kissed him back. And it felt....right. It was perfect. My hands were wrapped around his neck and his arms were around my waist, pulling me closer and closer. Soon We ended up making out, in complete darkness.)
(I can't believe it!! I'm kissing y/n. Whoa. Is this a dream? If it is, then I never wanna wake up.)
(This is awesome. This kiss is soooo.........Perfect. Mmmh I could do this all dayyyyy. I pulled her closer and closer to deepen the kiss. Even though this is not the first time we've kissed. But this is the first time, it actually meant something to us.)

Y/ns POV

(I was completely lost in a whole new world. Unfortunately we were interrupted by bright lights shining through the door)
(I pulled away and looked towards the door, whilst squinting my eyes)
(Soobin frowned)

"Hey Guys. I did it" ( Felix whispered as he entered the basement)

"great" (Soobin said)

"Sorry. This bulb is really old, That is why it doesn't work. By the way I gave Naya some sleeping pills. I put it in her water. And now she's asleep in her room. Let's go?"

"That's Great, Felix...Come on Soobin" (I took his hand and pulled him)

(We got out of the basement and opened the front door)

"Wait. I Have a flashlight" (Felix said searching through a drawer)
"Here you go 🔦" (He gave soobin the flashlight)

"Thanks" (soobin mumbled)

(We suddenly heard a voice)

"Who was that?" (I asked Felix)

"I don't know, its coming from nayas room. She should've been unconscious by now" (Felix said)

(We went to nayas room and opened the door)
(Naya was lying in her bed but she was awake)

"N-Naya?" (Felix said slightly trembling)

"UuuRrrhhh" (Naya screamed. It looked like she was struggling to talk and move)

"What's wrong with her?" (Soobin asked)

"I don't know. Is this a side effect of the sleeping pills?"

"I don't think so. Show me the sleeping pills" (I told Felix)
(He immediately ran to the kitchen and brought a tiny bottle)
(I looked closely at the wordings, they were quite small)

"Oh God....."

"What?" (Felix and Soobin asked curiously)

"This is anesthesia."

"What is that?" (Felix asked confused)

"She's paralyzed. She is aware of everything but her body is dead. How many pills did you give her?"

"4...I guess. Maybe 6" (Felix said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. I thought one pill wouldn't be enough)
(I facepalmed)

"We have to get out before her medication wares off!" (Soobin said)

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now