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Y/n.....why do you make me feel like this?
I have never loved anyone this much in my entire life. And I can't help it, I hate it when I see you looking, talking and smiling with an other guy. I'm not the Jealous type but....what's mine is mine.
I'll forever Love you my princess.

(I chuckled while reading this)

"why are you smiling?"
(I didn't realise that I was smiling the entire time while going through this letter)
(When Soobin suddenly asked a question, I flinched but quickly replied to his question and then soon changed the topic )
"O-oh it's nothing, ooh wow the ice creams look good. (I shoved the letter into my bag)
(Soobin chuckled and handed me a cup)

"Here you go" (He once again sat opposite of me) (I took a spoonful of ice-cream and tasted it) "Wooowww"(Soobin smiled at my reaction) "I'm Glad you liked it, Its my favorite

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"Here you go" (He once again sat opposite of me)
(I took a spoonful of ice-cream and tasted it)
(Soobin smiled at my reaction)
"I'm Glad you liked it, Its my favorite." (He said taking a bite of the chocolate in the ice cream)

(I have to admit, I'm really enjoying this. I don't usually hang out with Soobin that much. He's very quiet and shy, that's what I thought 💭. I guess he's changed. We never actually talked, just maybe a small 'hi' or a 'bye' when we pass by each other in the hallway. )

(I didn't want it to be awkward, so I tried to start up a conversation with him)

"I've actually met your younger brother, woo-bin. He comes by the Infinite garden to see the waterfall sometimes" (I said to Soobin who seemed to be staring at me for a while)

(She's so cute, Her voice is so soft..oops was I staring at her the entire time? Shoot! She caught me.)
"Oh y-yes my b-brother. He talks about you."

(She smiled at me and asked me)
"Really? What did he say?"
"He told me that he likes talking to you and that you're fun to hang out with."
"Aw that's so sweet, tell him I said that I enjoy his company too"
"will do."

(She has the most beautiful smile. My heart is beating so fast I can almost hear it, can she?)

Y/n's POV
(I forgot to mention, Soobin has a 7 year old brother, who I often meet at the park. We mostly sit on the same bench and watch the waterfall )

(The waiter came over and kept the bill on the table)

(I lifted my bag off the floor to pay for it but Soobin stopped me)

"No no it was my idea,my choice and so it's my treat"
"o-okay Thanks soobin"

(He smiles at me.... Ah What a precious smile)

(I continued eating my ice-cream. when Soobin told me..)

"I have also met your older brother, He sometimes sits with us in the cafeteria and hangs around with us. But mostly he hangs out with my elder brother."

"Oh yes, soo-jun right?" (I said as I recalled his name)

(he nodded and continued to eat)
" How did you know?" (he asked me curiously)

"Obviously because he's the class president" (I said)

(Soobin chuckled and said ) "ah yeah, How could I forget."

(After we finished eating our ice cream, I looked at my watch and noticed that it was 11:23)
(I told Soobin that we should probably go)
"We can't miss anymore classes"
"You're right, Let's go"

(We both left the shop and then walked a few metres towards the school building, then we reached a point where we had to cross the road to get to the school and there were a lot of vehicles than before)

( I bent in front and looked to the left and then to the right to see if the way was clear, Soobin did the same, you weren't sure if it was the right time to cross the street. The vehicles were traveling at a rapid pace. At that moment Soobin grabs your hand and takes you to the other side before any other cars or bikes could come towards you )

(when he took my hand, My heart started beating fast. Whoa I haven't felt like this before) (Maybe it's nothing)

"T-Thanks Soobin"
(Ugh why did I have to stutter?)
"Don't worry about it. just wanted to get you there safe"

Soobin's cheeks turned a slight shade of red when he realized he was still holding Y/ns hand. He didn't want to but had to let go of her hand. Soobin nervously chuckled and just walked next to you

Soobin POV
(walking next to her makes me want to hold her hand, I wish we could skip another class together. I have never done anything like this before, I have never skipped or been late to a class but I must say that I enjoyed every moment of it and I really want to tell her that)

"Oh thank God, the secretary is asleep"
(I whisper to Soobin and Soobin whispered back)
"yeah, let's not make any noise or sound while entering "
( Soobin climbed up the first two stairs without making a sound. He then indicated me to come forward. He put his pointer finger in front of his lips. I nodded. Just then as Soobin took a step further he stepped on a dry leaf that fell from the trees near the building) (Soobin's eyes widened)

(The secretary opened his eyes. Before he could see our faces Soobin pulled me inside and we ran straight into the hallways. We could hear the guard yelling at us from behind. We stopped and started laughing about how silly we were being. There were a few students in the hallway who looked at us in a confused way. But we didn't care. )

(We went to our class and luckily the teacher wasn't there yet.)
(we sat down and the teacher came in and started teaching us)
(Emma leaned towards my side and whispered)

"Where were you?"

(I whispered without taking my eyes off the black Board)
"I was with Soobin"
(I wasn't looking at her but I could feel her excitement building in)
"Did you guys skip class together?"
"Yeah it was fun"
(Emma wanted to scream in happiness and hug me but forced herself to stay calm)
"Wow y/n, Finally I see you as the cool girl"
(Once again I whispered)
"How did you see me before? "
"I used to look at you like a normal person who does her work on time, likes to eat and doesn't talk much, highly introverted and funny but caring."

(I shrugged) "I guess"
"Somethings you said are true and some aren't"

"I see that now"

(After a few minutes, the teacher went out of the class to get some files. Emma then asked me)

"Are you free in the evening?"
(I answered)
"Um yeah...Wait no.. I'm going to Felix's house with Soobin to do our projects."
(And again Emma started getting excited, I facepalmed myself, as Emma covered her mouth with both her hands to control her enthusiasm)
"Y/n I envy you, I envy you a lot right now"
(I smiled at her compliment)
"Thanks I envy myself too"
(We both laughed)

"Stop staring at her, you're creeping ME out"
(My friend Hueningkai told me.)

(I just rolled my eyes and looked back at the board)

(I just rolled my eyes and looked back at the board)

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TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now