Missing U

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(I was shocked. It all happened so fast. I looked at the person who pushed me)
"Hey cutie, you forgot to give me your number"

(Oh No it was the cashier who was hitting on me before.)
"I'm sorry but please move out of my way"
"Why? What's the rush? We've got ample amount of time. Your boyfriend doesn't need to know about this. This is our little secret"
"Get Lost. Do I look like a slut to you?"
"Ha, my cutie looks mad."
(He moved his face closer to mine and I looked to the side. And that made him mad)
(He caught hold of my face and forced me to face him)
"Stop it. What are you afraid of?  Let me just kiss you"
"Stay away from me. Ahhh!"
(Just then somebody punched him in the face and banged his head against the wall) "Don't Touch Her! I'm warning you!"

"Soobin!" (He didn't hear me but kept punching the cashier. The boys nose was bleeding, so was his head and his lips. His teeth were also broken.)

(The people started noticing us and gathered around us)
"Soobin, Stop please. He's had enough."
(He wasn't listening to me at all) "SOOBIN You're Gonna Kill him!!!!"
(I Screamed)
(Soobin stopped midway and looked at me)
(He got up and took my hand)
(The people were looking at the cashier, who was trying to regain his energy by taking support from the wall)
(Soobin pulled me outside the mall and took me to the car.)
(I sat inside and kept the shopping bags in the backseat. Soobin came around and sat in the drivers seat)
(I thought he was going to be mad at me)
(He looked at me but he didn't seem angry.)
(I was about to speak but he hugged me tightly)
"I t-thought you had l-left me"
(He whispered to me)

(He pulled away. I saw his eyes were slightly teary)
(I felt guilty, knowing that I was planning to run away.)
"You're okay, right? He didn't hurt you, did he?" (He asked me worried)
(I nodded) "yeah, I'm fine, what about you?"
"I'm Alright now."
(He started the car and we drove off )

(Once we reached Back home, I noticed someone inside)
(It was a girl, she seemed around 19 to 20 years of age)
(I whispered to Soobin)
"Who is she?"
"I must have forgotten to mention. She is the housekeeper, she comes once in a week to take care of the house."

"Oh cool"

"We have a guard too. Is he here?"

(The house keeper spoke)
"Yes, He's at the door."
(Soobin nodded and went to the front door)
"Hello, I'm naya"
(The housekeeper came to me)
"I'm y/n" (She offered me a handshake. I shook her hand with a smile)

"Did you say, Y/n?" (Naya asked)
(I nodded my head)
"Soobin told me about you"

"Ohhh So..How long have you been working here?"
(Naya looked up, thinking about the day she started working)
"Umm...Its been 2 years. Soobin's auntie had hired me because I needed a job"

(Soobin walked in standing next to a boy who looked uhh..21 years old? Probably.)
"Y/n, This is our gaurd, Edric. Edric this is y/n"

"Hello, so nice to meet you" (He reached out for a handshake )
(I accepted) "Likewise"

Time skip
(Soobin and I went to the room to keep all our shopping bags)

(Soobin suddenly gasped)
"Y/n, what happened to your wrist?"

(Soobin suddenly gasped)"Y/n, what happened to your wrist?"

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TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now