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(The next day I decided to go to school. I've missed a LOT of classes. I can't afford to repeat the grade all over again.)

(Emma will be joining school in the next semester.)
"Y/n, Day after tomorrow is a holiday." (Yeongho said standing next to my locker)

"Really? Why?" (I said surprised)

"Because It is......Prom night!" (Yeongho excitedly exclaimed)

"I never knew. Do I have to go to that?" (I asked hesitantly.)

"Yes, Ofcourse! Y/n. Up till now you haven't had any fun. You've done so much. Just come with me. A lot of girls are asking me out. I'm sure there will be a lot of guys lining up for you. You're obviously going to choose soobin, right?"

"Yep. You think he'll go with me?"

(Yeongho laughed at my question)
"Soobin will go literally, anywhere with you. Even if you ask him to go to an entirely different country, he'll immediately pack his suitcases."

"Haha, You're right" (I said with a laugh.)

"Alright, I'm gonna go ask Mabel if she'd go to the prom with me. Fingers crossed." (Yeongho said nervously)

"Good luck! She'll definitely go to prom with you." (I said as Yeongho took a deep breath and entered his class)

"Um, Excuse me. But would you possibly like to go to the prom with me?" ( My class mate Jake asked after tapping my shoulder) (Aw what a cutie. Should I tell him I'm with soobin?)

"I - "(I suddenly got cut off)

"Back off, Jake. Cause She's going with me so stay away from her." (Soobin said walking towards us, he glared at Jake)

"I'm sorry." (I whispered to Jake)

(Jake nodded and smiled) "That's okay." *wink* (Then he ran to his class.)

"Soobinnn...don't be rude to the guy. He doesn't know any better."

"What? But he was-*sigh*... Fine then. Will you please be my prom date?"

"No." (I said and Soobin eyes widened)
"Just kidding, obviously. Who else would I go with?"

(Soobin laughed) "You just gave me a heart attack. You know that?"

(I shook my head and chuckled while I walked to my class)

"Wait for me!" (Soobin said following behind me.)

"Whoops, I left my books. How stupid of me. Be right back." (I said and Soobin nodded and entered his class)

(I opened my locker and removed my books. On top of the books was a letter. I exactly knew, who wrote this letter.)
(I kept my books in the other hand and open the letter)

Dear Y/n. I can't wait to see you on prom night. Thank you for being my partner. Even if you said no, I'm still taking you to prom. But yeah, you can't say no. We're gonna have a lot of fun. And I want to ask you something but I'll wait till prom. Also it seems like I've got the habit of writing letters to you. And I can't stop. But I love it. Keep smiling because you look amazing. Take care, Princess. Actually you don't have to. I'll take care of you. Love you, My princess. ❤

-Your 'Not so secret anymore' admirer,

"That's so sweet." (I said, as a smile formed on my lips) (He writes the most cutest love letters.)


"Y/n!! Are you ready!! I wanna see how you look." (Yeongho said while banging on the door of my room)

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now