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(I just avoided everyones eye contact and looked at the ground )

"I don't know who to believe right now. I need some fresh air" (I said and walked out of the hallway and went downstairs.)

(I went outside and sat on a bench)
(I removed my phone from the pocket and called the inspector)
"Hello. This is y/n y/l/n. Sorry to bother you but is there a possibility I can visit Naya."

"...Naya? Lee Naya?" (He questioned)

"Yes. Her."

"Did I forget to inform you? She died 3 days ago."

"I'm sorry. What did you say?" (I think I misheard him)

"She overdosed on her medication. The Police has confirmed it as, overdosed suicide."

*sigh*"Why did this have to happen?"

"Evidence of Abuse were found too."

"Wait. By Whom was she abused by?" (I asked, hoping to find out more information.)

"Her parents would abuse her and pressurise her with her studies and jobs."


"And I heard you found Emma alive. What you did was amazing. I'm sorry about her injuries. We already have investigators at the crime scenes. So far, we haven't found any evidence except the fact that they've been giving random drugs to patients to see the side effects. But we'll somehow catch the culprit."

"Did you find Doctor Alan?"

"Alan? Yeah But I'm pretty sure in a few days he'll be in court, they might decide to hang him for the crimes he has committed."

"H-hanged?....When is it possible for me to talk to him."

"He's already behind bars, If you want you can visit him in an hour. Visiting hours close at 11:00. And also the investigators want to ask you some questions about the case...if you don't mind."

"Well, that's fine, I'll be there" (I said)
(He hummed as a response and then hung up)

(I covered my face and sighed)
(Who do I believe? Who do I believe?)
"Why is it so difficult?" (I said to myself)

"You can make it easy. Sometimes you just got to take risks. You know I will help you. Remember, you only need to find evidence of what Soobin said or what Emma said. " (Yeongho said sitting next to me)

"I will do whatever I can. It sucks that Naya's dead."

"I found out about that just now. It's sad. But we'll surely find out the truth" (He said patting my back)

"Guys! The procedure is done!!"
(Felix said running towards us excitedly)

"What Procedure?" (Me and Yeongho asked at the same time)

"The Psychiatrist has been trying Hypnotherapy on me for the past 7 days. And guess what...It worked! It worked! So I guess its going to be just me. Felix. All my personalities are combined into One."

"Woah, wait a second. Are you saying that Jack and Josh are gone??"

"Yes! All my pain in my repressed memories are gone too!"

"Repressed memories?" (Yeongho asked)

"Well, I was abused in my childhood by my step father. I used to be in extreme pain and I couldn't deal with it. So to build my strength, my mind created 2 different identities. I didnt think it would get this worse. But thank you for standing by my side."

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now