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(After school)

Y/ns POV

(I was walking home from school with my earphones in my ears. I got startled when someone tapped my shoulder from behind)
(I pulled out my earplug)
"Y/n! Geez! I was shouting your name for so long, people were staring at me like 'what is wrong with you?'. You embarrassed me.

(I laughed at what my Brother said)
"Oh please! You embarrassed yourself. But I'm sorry, Yeong-ho, I got lost in the music"
"Why do you call me by my name? Be respectful. I'm your elder brother. Call me Oppa.

(I scoffed and said)
"Last time I called you oppa, most of the girls thought I was your girlfriend. It took me a month to convince them that we're siblings."
"Ok fine Atleast call me, brother"
"Nah that's so lame. Bro sounds better"

(Yeong -ho rolled his eyes and walked past me as I tried to overtake him to get home first)


(After I ate food, I went to my room and called my mom)

On the phone "Hi mom""Hey sweetie, How's everything going?""Just fine

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On the phone
"Hi mom"
"Hey sweetie, How's everything going?"
"Just fine....When are you and dad coming back from your business trip?
"Oh I don't know sweetie, there's a lot goin' on here and it will take time to get back home."
"How much time?"
"........few months"
"WHAT?! Before you said it will take a few weeks and now, MONTHS?! Next thing you know, it will take a few years!"
"I'm sorry baby, I promise we'll be back in a few months, I miss you."

"I miss you too mom. Tell dad that I miss him too."
"Yes sweetie Ofcourse. Do you really miss us? I doubt that. I thought you'd be happy alone, Since there's no one to yell at you and tell you what to do anymore"

"That's true. But it's too quiet at home. Plus no one even cleans the house anymore. And no one prepares food also. And Yeong ho is just so lazy to do all that."

"I thought Yeong ho would be more responsible now that we're away. But I guess not. I still expect the house to be in good shape when we get back"

"Um....okay I'll try to make that happen. Gotta go, Mom. Bye"

"Bye, sweetie. Take care"

"You too. I Love you"

"Love you too, Y/n"

( The call ends and I jump onto my bed)
"What should I do now?"
(I asked myself)
(Then I remembered that Felix had given me his number)
"Ah good I didn't forget"
(I opened my chats and added Felix's number)
(Um.....What should I type?)
(Hey Felix. It's y/n)
"And..... Send"
(I turned the screen of my phone off and kept it aside waiting for him to reply)
(Within a few minutes, I heard the notification ringtone)
(I picked up my phone and read the message, He said hey back and gave me his address, and told me to come over in half an hour and to bring  Soobin along with me)
(I replied back an 'okay' and that's when it hit me)
"How do I tell Soobin?"
(I don't have his number)
(Then I went downstairs and saw my brother watching TV. So I sneakily take his phone without him noticing me)
(I then tip toed into the kitchen and scrolled through the contacts in his phone)
(Ah Ha! Choi Soobin... I found it. Thank God my brother has his number)
(I take his phone into my room and called Soobin up)

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now