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(Once again I saw Y/n talking to mark outside the school building. What is she doing? What are they talking about?)

 What is she doing? What are they talking about?)

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(I hid behind a tree and watched them. I know I'm getting more insane but I don't know how to stop it. I gritted my teeth together when I heard Mark ask Y/n for her number and My hands turned into a fist, when Y/n GAVE him, her number. He took it and winked at her before running off with his friends. I was about to talk to her but then Felix ran up to her. Wish I could just beat them up! Damn it!Soobin you're driving yourself crazy. she's yours and nobody else's)

"Y/n-shiii. Tomorrow is the day we show our projects. Be ready. Tell Soobin too!
(Felix ruffled my hair and walked away)

 Tell Soobin too!(Felix ruffled my hair and walked away)

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(Soobin POV)

(I went to Y/n's house and returned her brothers extra uniform and thanked her before leaving. Y/n then, told me about the project, I didn't say much or even start a conversation. She noticed it but before she could say anything more, I silently left)

(I felt Guilty about it, the minute I walked out of there. I should stop by in the evening and talk or something like that)

(Next Day At School)
(I was walking in the hallway because I woke up and got here early. I saw Mark opening and searching for something in his locker) (I know that he noticed me but he seemed quiet when he saw me)
(I went and stood next to him)
"Hey Mark, Did you forget, you were supposed to call me so that we could practice our choreography with Soobin."

"I-I Did...But someone answered your phone and...told me to stay away from you or he'd beat the hell out me"
(I was Completely Shocked, I felt a chill up my spine. )

"Wait W-what? Is that what he said?"
"Yeah....who was it is?"

(He spoke while looking down)
"what time did you call me?"
"At around 6pm"
"H-How could someone answer my phone... I was alone from 5 to 9pm. No one was in my house"
(I could tell by Mark's expression that he also was shocked and worried about me.)
"Oh I'm sorry, I thought maybe you had a b-boyfriend or something."
"No no, I don't"
"Are you sure you were alone at that time?"
"I thought I was alone until you told me about a stranger picking up my phone"

"He could be your brother?"
"No my brother would never threaten someone Plus He was out with his friends, as always"
"So no one came by your house during that time period?"
"nope. We don't get visitors either."
"You need to be more careful, Y/n. Did you lock your doors?"
"Yes I did, no one else has the keys besides me and my brother"
"If the same thing happens again, you can always call the police"
(I nodded and opened my locker, as expected, a letter fell out.)
"Is that yours?"
(Mark said pointing at the letter which I picked up)
"Uh..its a 'secret admirer' letter."

"So I guess, you've received more than 1?"
"Maybe your secret admirer knows your address?"
"Probably. But then I would need to know WHO is my secret admirer"
"I can help you. I've also helped my friends find out, who their secret admirers are. I like solving such mysteries."
"That's cool. Then we can find out who is behind all this."
"Also, Can you get someone else who can help us with this. I always need 3 people to help me find the person I'm looking for. It will be easier if we have another person, who we can trust. Do you have another close friend."
"Ah ha, I know someone. She will be really interested in helping us." (I smirked)
"Really who?"
Emma POV

(I was really amazed that Y/n chose me to help her find her secret admirer. I really wanted to find out more about it. But I knew I wouldn't be able to do it alone. It isn't a one person job.)

"I have many ways in which, we can find out who your admirer is. Let's meet today evening at 4"

(Y/n nodded and we went to class)

(Me, Soobin and Felix just finished presenting our Project)
(I'm so relieved that the teacher was happy with our performance )
(The students clapped for us and we went back to our seat. Once the class was over, Mark came over and sat down next to me. I was in between of Emma and Mark.
(Mark whispered to me)
"Y/n, open the letter which you found in your locker"
(I nodded, Emma and Mark looked closely at the paper)

"Y/n, I miss you. Every morning I used to stand outside your window so that I could see your shadow through the curtains and hear your voice. Somehow your weren't there today, which made me, really upset because you are the first person I usually see in the morning. And for the record, I don't like the fact that you're giving your number to guys who I don't trust. You better stop talking to them or else I'm gonna make you pay. You're driving me mad, right now. but I'll see you soon. And one last thing, don't forget, I'm always watching you. Love you, my princess."

"Oh my God! it's getting worse." (Emma said panicking)

(Marks eyes widened as he said.) "He is not just a secret admirer. He is a secret obsessive admirer. A-Are all the letters, he gave y-you......w-were they, this creepy?"

(My hands were covered in goosebumps. My heart started racing in fear) " No! Those were more sweeter and adorable. What do i do? It wasn't so serious before. I thought it was cute at first . Now it's getting c-creepy."

"I'm sure, Your secret admirer was the one who threatened me. He seems to be, too possessive of you. You better watch out, Y/n. This doesn't sound like normal behavior to me."

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now