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"Excuse me then. If you're not Felix, then who are you? (Mark asked)

(He smirked) "I'm Jack....aren't you two supposed to be locked in the basement" (He pointed at Mark and Yeongho)

(We all thought for a second that, Felix was joking but then we remembered he said that he had multiple personalities. Was this one of them? Does he change personalities according to certain timings?)
(We all looked at each other)

"Okayyy Listen here, Fel- Jack. We're gonna go home right now." (Yeongho said carefully)

"No, you're taking me back to naya!"

"We can't do that. You're coming with us, whether you like it or not!" (soobin said strictly)

"You will regret it~" (Jack had an evil smile on his face. If you look closer, you can see that his eyes are turning from brown to dark green) (How is that possible?)

(Jack quickly removed a knife from his shoes and tried to attack soobin.)

(Soobin dodged it because of his reflexes)
"Whoa!! What the hell?!" (Soobin said alarmed)

(Yeongho caught hold of 'Jack' from behind and Mark tried to snatch the knife away.)

(Jack kept moving and struggling. But he wouldn't let go of the knife)

(I caught his hands tightly but Jack twisted it and scratched the knife against my arm)

"Shit!" (I hissed in pain)

"Y/n!!" (Soobin, Mark and Yeongho yelled.)

"I'm fine. I'm fine!" (I reassured them.) (I caught my arm tightly to apply pressure)
"Oh my God. Y-you're bleeding." (Soobin said as he came closer and started examining my hand)
(I could see he was starting to panic)

"Don't worry. It doesn't hurt that bad."

(I hope he doesn't find out that I'm lying. Because this pain is like hell. I just want to scream. It's getting harder to control my pain. I just don't want to make a big deal out of it)

"Y/n? Y/n?" (Soobin waved his hands in front of me)
(I was finding it hard to stand still. My body was getting weaker)

"How do we tie his hands together?"
(Mark asked holding Jack's Hands tightly.)

"Under the backseat there are ropes and pieces of clothing" (Soobin said as I snapped back to reality)

"Why do you keep these kind of stuff under the backseat?"
(Mark asked me)
"For E-emergency.." (I stuttered) (I didn't want to bring up the time I kidnapped y/n. What was I thinking!?)

"Um okay" (Mark said awkwardly and tied up Jacks hands while Yeongho tried to tie his legs )
"Get it off!! You Fools!" (Jack said gritting his teeth)

"Y/n....We'll get you home and apply medicine...okay?"

"okay.." (I don't wanna talk too much. My screams are at the tip of my tongue)

(Soobin went towards the car and opened the trunk)
(He hurried back with a water bottle in his hand)

"Here...Show me your arm"

(He took my arm carefully and washed the wound.)
(I was bitting my lips and looking away)

(He took a cloth and tied it around my arms tightly to stop the bleeding)

"Ouchhh!!" (I screamed)

"Don't worry. I'm almost done."
(Soobin said as he finished tying a knot)
(I forced a smile)
"The wound is a bit deep. We might have to stop by the hospital."

"AHHH" (We heard Yeongho scream)

"What happened" (Soobin asked)

(Yeongho who was holding his mouth in pain, said) "H-he kicked me...on my face"

"Huh? How?" (Soobin asked)

"While tying Felix's-"

"IM NOT FELIX!! It's JACK. YOU FILTHY IDIOTS" ( Jack yelled as he struggled to get out of Marks grip)

"oops My bad...While tying..Jacks legs..Jack kicked Yeongho in the face. It was like a ninja's kick."

(Me and Soobin laughed. While Mark was trying to hold his laughter in.)

"STOP laughing! He broke my tooth"

"That's because you were tying his legs wrong" (Mark said rolling his eyes)
"Oh whose side are you on?!" (Yeongho said mad)

"Hold his hand. You don't know how to do it. Let me tie the ropes. I learnt this in boy scouts"

"Ugh whatever." (Yeongho sighed but agreed)

"Y'all won't get away with this! I will escape." (Jack smirked at us)

"Oh Just shut Up! Put him in the trunk of the car already!"
(I said angrily and impatiently )
(Soobin was a little taken aback by what I said) (While Jack glared daggers at me )

(Yeongho tied a cloth around Jack's mouth and slammed the trunk of the car, locking him inside)

(We all sat back inside the car, tired)

"Are you tired?" (I asked Soobin)

"No. I'm alright" (He said rubbing his eyes)

"You look tired. Perhaps I should drive" (Mark said)

"You can drive? I don't think so. You're a kid" (I asked)

"Hey! I'm a great driver. I even have a drivers license."

"Sure, you are." (Yeongho mumbled)

"I heard that!" (Mark glared at Yeongho)

"Fine. Mark please drive."
(Soobin said getting out of his seat)
(We moved to the back seat and Yeongho moved to the front while mark sat in the drivers seat)

(Soobin was staring at me. It was like he could feel my pain.)
(I stared back at him)
(He put his hands around me and hugged me from the side)
(I rested my head on his shoulder)

(We both fell asleep instantly)

"We reached the hospital. Guys, Wake up."

(We slowly opened our eyes)
"What time is it?"
(Soobin asked, clearing his throat)

(Mark looked at his watch)
"5 am"

"Whoa!!" (Me and Soobin immediately got up)

"Okay Okay....I'll take Y/n inside and you two, (He points at Mark and Yeongho) make sure Jack doesn't get out"

(Soobin took me to the hospital and talked to the receptionist)
"You have to help her. her hand is bleeding. It was caused by a knife."
(He showed my wounded arm to her and her eyes widened)
"H-Hold on. I-i will go get the doctor"

"Thank you."
(After some time a doctor came and told us to follow him)
(He looked at my hand and said he needed to get some medication from the office)

(I sighed. I was afraid of getting stitches. God....its gonna hurt.)
(Soobin was holding my hand tightly)
"You're gonna be alright...dont be scared."

"I can't help it....I'm gonna get stitches, aren't I?"

(Soobin didn't answer)
(I sighed. My eyes teared up but i wiped it off. Soobin caressed my hair softly)
"Trust me. I'll be by your side...24/7...whenever you need me."
(He kissed me softly on my lips)
"This won't hurt. He'll just do a few stitches."
MEANWHILE.....MARK POV..............

(Me and Yeongho went to a store and brought some snacks to eat in the car. We turned on the music and opened a bag of chips)
(We were making jokes and laughing but that soon stopped when we heard the sound of the trunk of the car slammed shut )
(We looked at the rear-view mirror and saw Jack smirking at us before running away on the street)

Me & Yeongho :- "Shit" ●_●

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now