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(It had been 5 days, and I was already better so the doctors said I could go home.)
(So soobin packed my stuff and we were ready to leave)
(When we reached home, Yeongho yelled.) "Welcome Back Y/n!!!"
(He had put some balloons and a huge sign saying 'Welcome back.' I gasped at his surprise)
"Woooowww" (I ran and hugged Yeongho) "Thank you."

(He hugged me back) "I prepared your favorite food. And bought us some movies to watch"

"Oh my gosh. didn't have to do that."
"No I had to. You deserve it....Soobin come in."
(He called out to soobin who was standing outside the door)
"No, thank you. That's fine. I should probably go home and pack my stuff for school tomorrow. But I'll see you two in school. Bye, Take care."

(We nodded) "Okay bye" (Yeongho waved and I smiled at him)

(Me and Yeongho spend the rest of the day having fun, eating and watching movies/ dramas. That's the way I like it.)


(I was on my way to school, I walked in a fast pace. Yeongho told me to wait for him. But he takes REALLY long to get ready. I thought I was the one who spends the most time changing outfits. I can't wait anymore. I never thought I'd say this, but I kinda miss school. But it won't be the same without...Emma. I sighed while looking down and walking. Out of nowhere I hit something, hard as rock.)
(Since I was looking down, I saw a pair of black pointy shoes. I knew I hit someones chest)
(I slowly looked up at the tall figure)

"Y/nnnn!" (He yelled in excitement)

"Someone seems enthusiastic" (I said, smiling at soobin)

"Yup! I'm excited for tonight. I'm gonna come to your house at 7:00pm to pick you up...For dinner. My treat. Okay? Okay?"
(He asked, putting his arm around my shoulder and looking into my eyes. While we're walking. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes with a smile)
"Yes. I can't wait."
"Me NEITHER...I'm going out with Y/n l/n!!" (He said in a louder tone and kissed my cheek)
(I put a strap of hair behind my ear in embarrassment)
"Soobin...shhhh, people are looking.."
(I said, as some of the students had their attention on us)
"It doesn't matter. Did you know that five of the students in your class had a huge crush on you. They're gonna be sooo jealous, when they find out you're going out with me. "

"ReALlY?!who?" (I asked surprised)

"Why do you care? You have me. And You're mine."

"Hey, I'm just curious"

"Oh ok....Felix had a crush on you a long time ago but I think he's getting over it. And that popular boy Jaemin, he stares at you whenever you're not looking. I've heard him talk about you, to his friends. And Choi San, the class monitor, even when you're talking to someone, he wouldn't shush you or be mad at you and he would complain about the others who were talking in class but he wouldn't tell on you. Taeyong the dancer, I've seen the way he looks at you. He compliments the way you dance, the way you sing everytime. His friend told me about it. Oh Also the quite kid...Jungkook, who's an artist, he has sketches of you in his journal. He has a major crush on you. That's why he likes to help you with your homework."

"Wow! You know a lot about the people who like me" (I said shockingly)

"Well, I admit I'm a stalker."

"Okayyy. Its weird knowing that Felix had a crush on me, but anyway its alright. It doesn't change anything. We're still gonna stay friends. And Jaemin likes me!? Whoa, I never expected that. Ha the guy has so many fan girls but he likes me. Woo! I'm proud of myself. San likes me too? Aww that's so sweet of him for not complaining about me. I'll be more nicer and sweeter to him"

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now