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"Okay....Tell me where you are..we'll come find you, one way or another." (I said calmly)

"I'm t-trapped in a mental asylum. It's the lowest floor. T-There is a small dark room and I can't see much. There are so many d-dead bodies.*snif* They keep all t-the d-dead bodies here..*cough*"

"Don't cry, We're on our way..."

"Thank y-you, y/n. Please Don't come alone, the people here a-are r-really scary." (She said concerned)

"Don't worry. I'm coming along with Yeongho and I'll call up soobin too." (I assured her)

"NO! Don't bring Soobin. I'm begging you, pleasee. D-do not call him." (She said sounding afraid)

"What? Why?" (I asked confused)

"Just trust m-me please. I'll tell you about it later....shit. S-someone's coming. I n-need to go before h-he sees me"
*Call ends*

(Me and Yeongho looked at each other with horror in our eyes)
"Get the car keys! And start the car. Hurry!" (I told Yeongho) (He grabbed the keys and also took a pocket knife, along with him) (I ran to my room and changed my clothes. Before running out, I grabbed a knife 🔪and kept it inside my jeans)

(We got into the car and drove off. I couldn't help but wonder why she was scared, when I mentioned soobin.)

"Do you think it's the same asylum that you and Soobin were at?"
(Yeongho asked while driving)

"Yeah I think so..that was the most weirdest and scariest asylum I have been to."

"Did you carry any weapons incase you're in trouble?" (Yeongho asked worried)

"yes, I have a knife in my jeans"

"Good. Here we are"
(He parked the car opposite to the asylum. And we tried to sneak in from the back side.)

"Is it always this noisy?" (Yeongho whispered while covering his ears because of the screams and laughter.)

"I guess they reopened it. And It's an asylum, what do you expect?"
(I whispered back) "Now help me climb up this steel fence"

(Yeongho carried me up and I caught hold of the fence. It's too tall so I pulled myself up and rolled towards the other side and jumped.)
"OK your turn. Come on. Let's do this."

(Yeongho started climbing up the fence )
"Now what do I do?"
(Yeongho asked sitting on the fence)

"You jump" (I said)

"It's too high. I'm scared of heights"
(He sounded like a 7 year old boy)

"So am I. But it's not that high. Just jump will you. We can't afford to waste time"

"Catch me if I fall. Okay?"

"Okay okay" (I assured him)

(He steadies himself by standing up and balancing himself)
(Yeongho jumps and......)

"Uh-oh" (That was the last thing I said before Yeongho landed on top of me, throwing me onto the floor)

"Oops sorry, Y/n..But you're soft so it's like landing on a pillow, hehe." (He laughs but then sees that my face is steaming.)

"Good for you...cause I landed on the stones!"

(Yeongho pulled me up) "If we're alive later, I'll give you a back massage."

"Deal." (I walked over to the back door and tried opening it.)

"The doors locked" (I confirmed)
"It's an old lock...try breaking it" (Yeongho said)

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now