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(Why is he so nice to me? He wasn't like this before?)
"Isn't it weird, that I got wounded and you helped me first and now you got hurt and I'm helping you?"
(Soobin said confused)

"I agree, that's a weird coincidence."

(The lights came back and Soobin told me to go to bed. )
"You need to rest"

"Even you need rest, Soobin. Good night."
"Okay then. Good Night, Y/n. Sweet dreams."

(Timeskip - In the morning )
(I woke up at 6 because I thought I heard a noise)
(I went downstairs and saw Soobin in the kitchen)
"Hey good morning, what are you doing?" (I asked puzzled)

"Good morning prin- Y-y/n, I'm making breakfast"

"you don't have to do that, you could have just asked me"

"No no. This is my way of saying thank you for letting me stay here"

"Oh wah~ it looks delicious"

(Timeskip At school)
(Me and Soobin went to school together. Some of the students saw us and started gossiping about it, to each other. I just rolled my eyes at them)

(I went to my locker and took my books and kept my bag in it. (I told Soobin that I'm going to class and then left.)

Just as I went to class I realized that I left my Geometry set. Once again I went to the locker and when I took my geometry set out, I saw a letter. It wasn't there before but now it is.)
(So again I opened it and read it. It made me really curious.)

Y/n, It's been only 2 days since I last wrote to you. In all this time that Ive been thinking of you,I realized that I have fallen for you more. The things that I can't forget about you is your smile. When I'm having a bad day just the thought of your smile makes me feel happy that I start smiling. I'm dying to know how you feel about me. But I guess I'm too afraid to find out.
I can't explain my feelings, the way I want you to understand. I really want to tell you how I truly feel about you but there aren't enough words in this world to explain my feelings. But I love you, my princess

(Aw, That's so sweet. This just made my day)

(I opened the zip of my bag and took out a small folder in which I kept the letters I got before.)

(Time skip -dance class)

(I went and sat down on one of those long benches that were placed right against the wall and I waited for the teacher to arrive)
"Good morning students"
(The teacher walks in while rubbing her hands together)
"Today everyone will have to prepare.....a group dance!! This group will consist of 2 boys and 1 girl"
(Everyone looked at each other in, I don't know, whether it was nervousness or excitement but mine was definitely nervousness.)

"I have a box with all the names of the boys here. The girls will pick up 2 papers from this and those who are chosen will be the group member"
(Each girl went and picked up the pieces of paper from the box and the teacher called out the names. Now it was my turn. I picked up both the papers and unfolded the first one
(The teacher looked at the paper and said)
"Mark! the next one."
(Please God. Please let it be someone I know. I opened it but didn't look at it)
(The teacher shouted )
"Soobin! guys are in 1 team"

(My jaw dropped, My prayers have been answered. What are the odds that I would pick soobins name?)

(WHAT!? she picked my name!! We are SO meant to be. I'm so glad! Could this day get any better!)

TXT Soobin FF - Completely Obsessed [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now