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Before you read, I just want to let you know that I do not have a problem with Angelina Johnson.

Well, in this story I do because I wrote her to be a bitch but I really don't have an opinion on her in the original HP books or movies.

I saw someone on another Fred fic say that Angelina is always made out to be the bad person because everyone hates her.

Just wanted to claim that I don't hate her but we needed some type of drama and her and Fred did attend the Yule Ball together so she became the crazy home wrecker.


"I should've done more to him." Callie said. "I should've punched out his teeth. Should've—"

"You did enough, Cal." Melba said, hugging Callie from the side as the two of them looked at me. "But I should've ripped his balls off."

I chuckled and leaned back on the sofa.

"You did a good job." I smiled. "He looked like shit."

The two sat down when fast steps suddenly came from the entrance to the Hufflepuff basement.

"Alright who told Cedric about me and Cho?!" Seth's voice echoed through the room and three of us turned to look at him.

"Holy shit. Seth!" I cursed, standing up. His face was worse than Fred's. His nose was actively bleeding and so was his eyebrow and he was completely red around one eye. "I swear— I can't handle more bruised faces. If Nate comes through that door with a black eye, I am leaving and you won't be able to find me for the next two weeks."

Seth frowned at me as he pressed a hand to his nose, then looked at me.

"Who else got beat up?" He asked, then his eyes widened. "Not Nick, right? If someone hurt a fucking straw on Nick's head, I will turn into the fucking Hulk!"

"No one hurt Nick." I sighed and dropped back onto the sofa.

"Fred cheated again." Callie spoke. Immediately it was like I could hear the silence from Seth along with his eyes on my back. "He fucked Johnson. She's also the one who told Cedric that you fucked Cho."

Seth suddenly started laughing. I looked up at Callie and Melba who were just as confused as I were, and then I turned to look at him.

He was bend over, hands on knees as he laughed hysterically. After what felt like minutes, he straightened up and wiped the blood from under his nose.

"Those fucking Gryffindors." He laughed softly. "If she was a guy— she's not. Fred though—"

Seth looked at me and his smile dropped. He looked like a psychopath. He actually looked like a psychopath.

"... he's dead."

I didn't try to stop him when he rushed back out of the Hufflepuff basement. Neither of us did. I didn't care what he did to Fred. I simply didn't care anymore. He didn't get sex from me for a few weeks and then he just goes and fucks Angelina Johnson.

"I don't think Fred will be there for dinner tonight." Melba said, trying to hide a satisfied smile. She hid her lips with her fingers and wiggled her eyebrows at Callie before she made her way down to the girls dormitories.

"Oh girlie." Callie sighed before pulling herself out of the other sofa to plump back down next to me. "How're you feeling?"

"I should be asking you that." I muttered and grabbed her right hand to look at the bruised knuckles. "I can— maybe George will let you use some of the bruising paste."

Callie shrugged and wrapped her arm around me to comfort me in a sideways hug.

"There's no need for that." She told me. "It's like a warning. Now everyone knows not to mess with me."

Then she patted my shoulder and got up, brushing her hands together.

"Where're you going?" I asked, wetting my lips.

"I'll pay Johnson a little visit." She smiled and reached over to grab her wand from the coffee table.

"Oh, Callie no!" I said, pointing a warning finger at her. "Don't. You've already punched Fred."

"And now I'm gonna go and give Johnson a piece of my mind." She said, raising her eyebrows at me. "I am tired of her bullshit, Jules. First she kisses Fred back well knowing he's with you. Then she dates him and makes it pretty obvious towards you. Then she tells Cedric about Cho and Seth which I'm actually not that upset over because Cho cheated and we hate cheaters, but then Johnson fucks Fred and tells you about it just to spite you, knowing that you are still very much together. I'm tired and I am done watching her fuck you over. She's a bully and it's not the first time I beat up a bully."


Callie pushed the wand into her pocket as she made her way out of the common room. Meanwhile I leaned back on the sofa and ran my hands over my face.

I was so done with people getting beat up. Fred deserved it, so did Seth if I have to be completely honest, but it was all too much and all happening within a day.

It had been one long day. I found out my boyfriend cheated on me again. My friends beat him up. Then one of my friend got beat up.

These last weeks had been crazy. I went through shit with my father, him hitting me and me finding out he was abusive towards my mother. I found out that my mother had the chance to come back and get me but she didn't grab the chance, meaning she probably didn't give a fuck.

And then the one person I was in love with, decided to cheat on me for the second time, completely fucking up the self-esteem I was starting to get back.

All day I had been doubting myself like the last time. Again he chose her over me. What was wrong with me? Why wasn't I good enough for him? Why did he feel the need to lie to me about it. He didn't tell him. Again, I had to find out in another way. The last time, I saw him but this time she told me.

I hated myself more than I hated Fred and Angelina combined. I was the one who was too naive to believe in him again. I was too naive and it only ended up biting me in the ass.

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