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"Fred." I whined, letting a laugh leave my mouth as I tried getting out of his arms. "I have to go."

"Just five more minutes." He pouted, twirling a lock of my hair around his finger before pushing it behind my ear. "Now that I have you back I never want to let go of you again."

I tilted my head, smiling up at him.

"That is so cliche."

"Oh is it?" He cocked an eyebrow at me as his hand went to my waist to pull me closer. As he did, I placed my hand against his chest, my head tilted back so I could look him in the eyes. "I've just missed you."

"Hmm." I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling when he pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. "I really have to go. We both do. Transfiguration is soon and we can't be seen leaving the cupboard together."

"Okay." He muttered. I opened my eyes to look at him as he let go of me. "Kiss me before you leave?"

"You know I would—" I teased as I backed up towards the door. "But we are in such a hurry."

He ran his tongue across his top teeth, watching me with intense eyes that almost made me crumble.


"Yes, Fred?"

"You do love teasing me, don't you?" His lips slowly spread into a grin. "You've always loved teasing me."

"It's fun." I shrugged. I lifted my hands up and pulled my hair back into a high ponytail, tying it with the hair tie that always sat around my wrist.

"When're you telling your friends that you've given me a second chance?" He questioned and tilted his head while his eyes kept moving around my face, studying the different places of it. "I want to be able to kiss you in public again and not have to hide in a cupboard."

"Fred—" I groaned. "Please. I told you I am going to tell them when they're—"

"When they're ready?" He laughed. I did tell him that yesterday. "Babe, we both know you're lying."


He used to call me that. It had become natural to the both of us. Just not baby. He hated that more than anything else in the world.

"You don't want them to know?" He shook his head. "Right? Have you changed your mind? Do you regret what we did and what we talked about?"

"No." I laughed. "C'mon, Freddie. Listen, when you... kissed Angelina, you hurt me and they're my best friends. They may tolerate you and some of them may not hate you but then there's Seth and Melba. They both want to kill you for that so I'm scared how they'll react."

I took a few steps forwards until I stood in front of him. While I hooked a finger into the waistband of his trousers to pull him closer, I ran a had up to his neck and pulled his lips to mine.

He moved his lips to match my rhythm and I felt his hand against my jaw. He managed to pull me closer while we kissed each other passionately until I pulled my lips away. I looked up at him from under my eyelashes, a breath leaving my mouth.

"You shouldn't be complaining." I said, then stepped away from him and picked my bag up from the floor. "Be happy that I am willing to try again."

"I am." He told me, watching me as I walked to the door and pulled it open. "Hey, Jules?"

I stopped with a hand on the door handle and looked back at him as he was leaned against the wall under the dim lighting.

"You're very beautiful." He told me with a cheeky smile, making me roll my eyes playfully as a shy chuckle left my lips.

"I love you." I said before biting onto my lip. I left the room, letting the door close behind me before making my way to transfiguration.

Callie was sat next to Nate on the left side of the room in the back of the class while Nick and Melba sat in front of them. Then George sat in front of Nick with an empty seat next to him. That was where Fred was going to sit. My eyes landed on Seth who sat in front of George, and with a smile plastered on my lips, I walked over and slid into the seat next to him.

"Hi." I greeted. I placed the bag in the corner of the table before preparing for the lesson.

"Hey. Where'd you disappear off to?" He asked. "It was like you completely vanished after lunch."

"No— I went to see if I could find a particular book in the library." I lied. "Turned out they didn't."

"What book?"

"Oh, you don't know it." I shrugged. "It's a Muggle poetry book."

"Hey mate." I heard Fred greet George from behind me. A small smile spread on my lips just from his voice and I wanted to turn around and look at him but I didn't want to give us away.

You're very beautiful.

He had always found a way to make me blush with his words. Calling me beautiful was simple but it was one of the things that helped me feel better about myself. Before we broke up he always complimented me and really brought me up which is why I am the person I am today instead of a shy and insecure school girl.

"Good afternoon students." McGonagall greeted when she entered the room, the door closing behind her. She walked up the aisle until she stood in front of the class, turning around to face us. "Last Friday we ended our subject on Bird-Conjuring Charms. Can anyone sum up what we've learned?"

A few hands raised but mine stayed down as well as Seth's. He looked like he was already about to fall asleep. Though I heard he hadn't gotten a lot of sleep last night as he was busy shagging Cho Chang in an empty corridor at night time.

"Yes. Miss Johnson." McGonagall pointed her wand at Angelina who sat on the other side of the room. I automatically rolled my eyes. I didn't like her one bit. Even her voice was enough to piss me off.

"To use the Bird-Conjuring Charm you have to say the incantation which is Avis. If you've done it correctly, blue light will shoot from your wand and a flock of birds will appear. Out of all the conjuring spells, the Bird-Conjuring Charm is the easiest to do alongside Snake Summons."

Professor McGonagall nodded before her eyes drifted to our side of the room. "Mr Weasley. Did you get all of that or were you too busy staring at Miss Pegas to pay any attention?"

I turned around in my seat, my eyes landing on Fred along with everyone else. He was looking at me, then looked at McGonagall as a suffocated sound came from him.

A few people around the classroom laughed, including George and Fred sunk into his seat, nervously scratching the back of his neck as his ears went red.

"No. Sorry Professor."

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