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I slowly closed the door behind me, making sure not to make too much noise, since it was late. I pushed off my shoes, placing them neatly. After I took off my jacket, I rolled my shoulders, yawning while I hung it on the wall.

I turned around and I swear my heart stopped beating for a moment when I saw George by the table in the kitchen, writing on some papers.

"Oh—" I spoke. "Hi. You're still up?"

He nodded slowly, keeping his eyes on the papers in front of him while he from time to time, wrote something down.

"Fred dumped this shit on me before he went to bed." He said. "Told me he was too tired so it became my problem."

He finally looked up, and offered me a warm smile as I pulled out a chair to join him.

"Numbers?" I asked, looking at the papers. George nodded and I took a deep breath, shaking my head. "Yeah, can't help you with that."

George sighed and pushed the papers away from him before groaning deeply. He leaned back in his chair and looked at me before smiling again.

"You look tired." He told me. "Late night?"

"They all got pissed." I told him with a chuckle. "Absolutely pissed. Shared bottle after bottle. Violet got home and we helped Seth to bed before making the three others comfortable as well. They're crashing there until they're sober in the morning."

George tapped his fingers against the table as he listened to me speak.

"You don't look drunk."

"Oh, no I didn't drink." I shook my head. "Thought it would be a good idea if one of us stayed sober. Maybe I'll drink the next time."

I pulled myself up to stand and leaned down to give George a hug.

"Goodnight. Try and get some sleep so you can get up in the morning." I told him. He simply hummed in response as I made my way to Fred's bedroom.

I closed the door behind me, and immediately pulled my shirt over my head, placing it on the dresser before unclasping my bra to put it there as well.

After taking off my trousers, I crawled into bed with Fred who was sleeping on his stomach, his head facing the side I usually sleep on when I stay here.

When I pulled the duvet up to cover me as well, Fred's eyes opened and once he saw it was me, he smiled and closed them again.

"I missed you." He whispered, wrapping his arm around my body to pull me close. "You don't smell of alcohol."

"Why is everyone shocked when I decide not to drink?" I laughed softly, pressing a finger against his cheek. "I played the sober friend today."

"M'kay." He mumbled sleepily against the pillow before he yawned softly. I smiled automatically, loving the way he looked right now.


I never wanted this to end. I was so excited for the years to come. To spend the rest of my life with him. We had been through some bad times in school, but now we had actually managed to reach a point where our relationship is healthy.

I wonder if he would want this baby.

I kept studying Fred's face, thinking if our baby would get his features, mine or a mix between the two of us. If I decided to keep it, would it be a girl or a boy? Would it be a Nick or a girl with some adorable name we'd come up with?

I knew Fred would agree on Nick if it was a boy. He knows how much I loved and still loves Nick, and he would want me to have that.

"Babe, close your eyes." Fred ordered me. "You can't sleep with them open."

I chuckled and snuggled up to him as I closed my eyes, feeling the way his arm tightened around my body.

"I'm gonna go see my friends again tomorrow." I whispered, kissing his cheek as we laid there.

"Okay." He replied softly. "Same time?"

I hummed and I felt him nod before we both slowly started drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up in bed all alone at the sound of an explosion coming from somewhere in the building. I shrieked loudly as I sat up like I had just been zapped in the ass.

When I realised what the sound was, I got out of bed as quickly as possible and threw on a pair of shorts and a shirt before rushing out of the room.

Fred and George were nowhere in the flat, though I ended up finding them in the basement of the shop where it looked like a potion had gone wrong.

"Oh shit." Fred cursed as the two sat there in shock, then they slowly looked to me as I stood in the doorway with a frightened expression on my face. "That was on purpose!"

I frowned at my boyfriend, seeing George do the same.

"On purpose, mate?" George asked. "That would only make it worse."

I sighed and folded my arms over my chest before I announced that I was going back to bed.

I went back up through the shop until I was back in the flat. I looked at the clock on the wall, and sighed when I realised they had woken me up at seven in the morning.

It was Sunday, meaning that I could've slept in. Tomorrow I can't sleep in, because I've got Quidditch Practice like I have all days Monday through Friday.

I decided that instead of going back to bed, I'd just take a shower and get some clothes in for the day.

When I finished my shower and was fully dressed, Fred and George were waiting for me in the kitchen, both looking at me with pleasing eyes, wanting me to cook them breakfast.

"Seriously?" I asked. "I need to teach you two how to cook."

"Who taught you?" George asked as I went to get a pan so I could make scrambled eggs.

"No one taught me. I had to teach myself." I explained. "My dad would have so much work that he didn't have time to cook me food. I had to make myself something to eat so I wouldn't go to bed starving."

I realised how sad that sounded, and frowned at the thought. I looked at the boys, seeing both of them look at me with pity.

"We can't all have parents who doesn't try to starve you." I joked. "And it taught me how to cook so it's fine, really. I'm nineteen, I don't ever have to see him again anyway."

I'm gonna go to bed now, but I can tell you that the next chapter will be the start of the story's ending.

I'm thinking the story might come up and hit 100 but I'm not completely sure.

Just be prepared for the next chapter which I can hopefully write tomorrow.

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