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Fred had been completely crazy since I told him the news yesterday. He was thrilled and when he saw the ultrasound photo, he couldn't stop calling our baby 'little Weasley' then looked at me to be sure I was okay with that, because if I wanted my name involved too, we could do that.

I don't want my name involved. I am not about to give my baby my dad's surname. My dad won't ever know this baby. He won't ever know that he's a grandfather.

Fred and I told George right away, and I think George was almost more excited about this because he's going to be an uncle.

I couldn't wait to tell my friends that telling Fred went well. They knew I was scared of his reaction and they'll be happy for me when I tell them he was happy about it.

"We can put a crib by the bed and when he or she is old enough and needs their own room, we can find a new flat or a house." Fred said, full of enthusiasm while I walked into the room while brushing my hair. He looked at me and eyed me up and down before our eyes met. "Hey, where're you going?"

"Seth's flat." I told him. "I think the rest of the group is there and Nate and Callie are supposed to go back to Romania in a few days so I want to see them as much as possible."

I walked over and tiptoed so I could give his cheek a kiss.

"I'll see you tonight." I told him. When I stepped back, her wrapped his arm around my face and pulled me back so he could kiss me properly.

"I'm gonna cook a big dinner." He told me. "To celebrate the new Weasley baby."

"You, cooking?" I asked. "I have to laugh."

I chuckled at the thought and my grin widened when Fred flipped me off. I turned to George who sat by the table, eating his breakfast.

"Make sure he doesn't burn that the flat, alright?" I asked. "I'm gonna try and make it home for dinner."

I got on a pair of shoes before I found my wand and apparated myself to the hallway where the door to Seth's flat was located.

I brushed a hand through my hair as I knocked on the door, waiting for either Seth or Violet to open the door. Perhaps even one of the other three friends I have, in case they were still here.

After a few moments, the door swung open and Violet revealed herself. Funny thing is that her name is Violet but that's also the colour of her her.

"Hi Vi—"

"They're not here." She said coldly and slammed the door in my face.


I knocked on the door again and it swung open. Violet sighed and looked at me with an unamused look.

"What do you want, Julie? They're not fucking here."

"Okay—" I breathed. "Do you know where they went? Where they are?"

"No." She shook her head. "They left sometimes yesterday, during the morning. They said they were gonna go see you so you're the last one who saw them.


"That's— I think I would know if they came to see me." I frowned. "I haven't seen them since Friday."

Violet now frowned as well, opening the door more before gesturing for me to walk in. She closed the door behind me, then turned to look at me.

"So they didn't visit you?" She asked. I shook my head, folding my arms over my chest. "Then where the fuck are they? Where the fuck is Seth?"

Oh shit.

I ran a hand into my hair, tugging at it as I walked into the living room, Violet following me.

"You've known them for eight years, Julie." She said. "Where would they go?"

"I-I don't know." I shrugged. "It doesn't look like them to go anywhere without inviting me. We don't do that. We make sure all five of us has received an invitation to go out."

"Okay— well, Seth has done this to me before. He leaves and doesn't come back until the next day, so maybe they'll be back later today."

I nodded slowly and looked around before I took a deep breath.

"Alright." I then said. "Will you write me when they get back? Or when Seth gets back if he's alone by then?"

"Sure." Violet nodded. She seemed pretty eager for me to leave, so I simply grabbed my wand in my pocket and apparated back to the flat.

George who still sat by the table, nearly screamed with fright while Fred who sat across from him, laughed at his reaction.

"That was quick." He told me. "What— five minutes you've been gone?"

I sighed as I sat down next to Fred.

"None of them were there." I said. "Violet thinks they'll be back later so she'll write me."

"And they didn't invite you?" George asked before he took a bite of his sandwich.

"Well, they know I'm pregnant so if they went out to drink, they automatically wouldn't invite me because I can't drink." I said. "Though— why would they go out and decide to get drunk in the morning, after telling Violet they came to see me?"

"Wait—" Fred said. "... you're pregnant. Seth came by on Sunday. Told me you had gotten drunk and crashed in your flat."

I frowned as I looked at him, and the room suddenly got quiet.

"I didn't get drunk on Sunday." I said. "That— what?"

Something wasn't right.

"Yeah, you spend the day with them and he told me you had gotten drunk, but now I know you're pregnant so that's— what did you do on Sunday?"

"No, I didn't spend Sunday with them." I said. "I haven't seen them since Saturday."

"Jules, you went to see them on Saturday." George said. "Around noon."

No I didn't.

"I mean, I don't really remember anything from Saturday, but I haven't— I wouldn't get drunk, that's for sure. But I don't think I saw them— I would remember if I did, right?"

I sighed and shook my head at my own question.

"But be the pregnancy doing something to my memory." I said as I looked at Fred. "But I can tell you, my love, I did not get drunk. I wouldn't do that with a fetus in my uterus."

"Okay." He nodded. "Maybe at the next appointment, we should hear the healer about the whole pregnancy memory thing."

"Yeah," I breathed. "Might be a good idea."

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