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Ever since we started Hogwarts, my friends and I would always spend our free lessons in the middle courtyard, sitting in the grass while talking about what we want for our futures. It was really cozy and Seth and I would always end up cuddling in the grass. Not that we like each other, because we don't but all of us cuddle at times.

Seth and I just have that special bond. He's like a brother to me. They're all like siblings to me. I don't have any so they really are all I have. I love my dad and I know he loves me but he's always working and with no siblings, I'm just happy I have these five amazing friends.

I was lying between Seth's legs. He was leaned back on his hands and I lied with my back against his front, my near where his heart was.

"Do you think aliens exist?" I asked as I stared up at the sky.


"Are you high right now?" Seth asked from behind me.

"Wha— you don't believe in aliens?" I asked, then looked at them all. "Well I do. Fred and I used to talk about it. Imagining what they'd look like. If they look like us, ordinary human beings or if they are green and have those weird heads with those big eyes."

"Maybe she's sick." Nate suggested before Seth placed a hand over my forehead.

"Oh stop it!" I pushed his hand away as I laughed. "I mean, there must be something on one of the other planets."

"Maybe." Callie shrugged, moving her wand around between her fingers. "Maybe not."

I watched the wand move around in her hands. It was quite pretty. Callie's wand was a thirteen and a quarter inch Redwood wood with Phoenix feather as core.

I've studied wands for years now. I think it's interesting so even though we don't exactly have a subject about wands, we tend to learn about them in History of Magic and sometimes I just like to read about them.

The Redwood Wood aren't very lucky wands. They aren't good on their own but they grow very close to their owner, have a close bond and the owners they choose are the witches or wizards who make the right choices through life and who can snatch advantage from catastrophe.

Now the Phoenix feather is the rarest core there is. They are capable of a great range of magic though they learn slower than the others. Sometimes they act on their own which is a trait that the witches and wizards don't like. They are the pickiest when it comes to their owners and they are the hardest to tame.

My own wand is a nine inch vine wood with thestral tail hair and I know the meaning behind that one too.

Vine wood have a very unique and special nature. They are less common and they usually choose witches or wizards who seek a greater purpose and tend to shock the ones around them that thought they knew them the best. Vine wood are also quite sensitive when it comes to choosing its owner and they can do magic just by the owner stepping into the same room.

The thestral tail hair is also quite rare. It's hair taken from the tail of a thestral obviously and they make a wand pretty unstable, meaning that it takes a special witch or wizard to control it.

Melba's wand is a twelve inch English Oak Wood with Unicorn hair.

Many people believe that Merlin had an English Oak Wood wand but his grave was never found so it can't be proven. The wood is as loyal as the person itself. It sticks with you though good and through bad and usually the owners of this wand has both courage, strength and fidelity.

The Unicorn hair are the hardest to turn towards dark magic but it is possible and it has happened. They are the most faithful of all wands and are strongly attached to their owners, though the unicorn hair tend to die quickly and needs replacing.

His Hufflepuff ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now