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Three words: Steamy. Shower. Sex.



Didn't start great if I have to be honest. I woke up to the sound of Callie puking into the bin that normally stood between the door and Hannah Abbott's dresser.

I was up in an instant to be there for her, to pull her curls back so that puke didn't get in her hair. To rub her back and listen to her when she blathered about never wanting to drink again.

I knew that wasn't true. I say the same thing when I'm hungover after getting drunk. Everyone says that. That they're never gonna drink again but that promise never holds up.

"Are you finished?" I asked Callie but just as the question left my mouth, another round of puke came from her. I scrunched up my face in disgust as a laugh left my lips. I looked around the room and my eyes landed on Melba who was seaming to wake up.

"What's going on?" she muttered as she sat up and ran a hand into her hair. "Is Callie alright?"

"She's hungover." I explained. "That's what happens when you find your boyfriend alcohol stash."

"Oh shut up." Callie muttered. "Spare me the lecture."

A smile grew on my lip and Melba and I exchanged a glance before she got up and took over for me. Callie threw up again and I walked to my dresser so I could get dressed while Melba now rubbed Callie's back and gave her some encouraging speech.

"I swear–" Callie got interrupted as she threw up again. "I swear on my grandfathers grave that I won't ever drink again."

I got changed out of my pyjamas before taking on my dress-shirt, buttoning it all the way up. Then I did my tie and after folding the collar down over it, I pulled on my skirt and tucked my dress shirt in. I heard Callie throw up for the tenth time or something while I pulled on my jumper and made sure that my tie wasn't twisted around under it.

"Maybe you should stay in bed today." I told Callie as I looked at her while brushing my hair. "We can tell Sprout that you're sick so you don't get in trouble."

"Thank you." she mumbled. We helped Callie back to bed and said our goodbyes when both of us had gotten fully ready. Then we left the dormitory while Hannah and Susan were still sound asleep.

The boys were waiting in the common room like usual.

"Where's Cal?" Nate asked with a small frown. "Not feeling well?"

"She's hungover." Melba said. "She's staying in bed and we're telling Professor Sprout that she's sick."

"Oh." Nate muttered. "Well.. you go ahead to breakfast. I'll just say hi to her."

"How cute." Nick pouted ass Nate made his way down to the girls dormitory. "I really want a girlfriend."

"I know you do mate." Seth patted his shoulder. "But some guys just aren't cut out for the life in a relationship."

I bit back a laugh as Nick turned his head to frown at Seth.

"You're a fucking dickhead." he told him before he made his way out of the common room. Seth laughed and looked at Melba and I but his laugh died when he saw Melba's face.

"Was that really necessary?" she rolled her eyes before following Nick. Seth looked at me again with a shrug.

"It's not my bloody fault that he's sensitive."

"C'mon." I chuckled. "By age you may be the baby of the group but Nick is our actual baby. We can walk around hurting his feelings."

Seth rolled his eyes and held out his arm for me to intertwine mine with his and then we followed out friends out of the common room.

His Hufflepuff ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now