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"I need you to be honest with me." I said as I sat down on the sofa, across from the chair my dad usually sat in while reading the muggle newspaper. He wanted nothing to do with the Wizarding world anymore. Even broke his wand before I was even born. Told me it was so that he and my mum could live the muggle life that she was used to but she wasn't even a muggle.

My dad hummed in response but he didn't took his eyes off of the newspaper in his hands. He wasn't the slightest interested in what I had to say but I knew he would be once I spilled the beans.

I ran a hand through my now much darker hair. I dyed it a dark brown today. Thought I needed a change and a distraction from what happened a few days ago. The thought had kept coming back to me. The urge to hurt myself but I didn't do it.

"I found mum's diary."

My dad's eyes stilled on whatever they were looking at and then they slowly moved up to look at me from over the top of the newspaper. A moment passed and then he folded it, placing it on the coffee table.

"Your mum's what?" he asked. "Your mum didn't keep a diary and if she did, she would've taken it with her when she left."

He didn't know she kept a diary. Oh Merlin, she must've been really scared of him.

I gulped.

"S-She did." I stuttered. "I found it in the desk drawer in her room."

My dad crossed a leg over his knee as he leaned back, raising his eyebrows while motioning for me to continue. His eyes told me that he thought I was full of shit.

"And how did you get into the room if I may ask?"

"That's–" I took a deep breath before deciding to just blurt it out. "I know she's not a muggle like you said and I know she left because you were hurting her."

He stayed silent, observed me while his eyebrows slowly dropped and realization hit him.

"And I know about my brothers." I added. "Matteo and Ezra."

"Well—" he breathed. "Then you also know that your mother never cared about you. She had two sons and when she got herself a daughter, she packed her stuff, took my sons and left. She only loved your brothers. You meant nothing."

I gave him a look as if he was full of hair, then turned my head, lifted my chin and shook my head softly so that it was barely visible. "That's not true."

"Who's here, Julie?" He asked and stood up while raising his eyebrows at me again. "Who raised you? Fed you? Made sure you had clean clothes and a bed to sleep in? Who gave you a dog for your fifth birthday and held a memorial for your sake when she died last winter?"

My dad stood up and I followed him with my eyes as he walked over to the fireplace where a familiar vase stood on top of it where we always hung the stockings.

"This was your mothers." He said and looked at me. My mouth fell open when he pushed it with one finger, letting it fall over and smash on the floor, making me flinch. "I lied to you to keep you safe. I'm the only one who loved you and that woman took my sons from me and left while I was asleep with you in the bassinet next to the bed."

He walked to the smaller vase that stood on the end of the fireplace and my throat immediately tightened.

"Don't!" I screamed, my eyes wide when he grabbed the small vase and undid the lid. "Dad please don't."

I started to cry as I put my hands up to cover my mouth and nose. That was my dogs ashes. Millie. She was a pug and dad had given her to me when I was five. She was my only company while dad was working, not giving two shits about me.

"What're you doing?" My voice was weak as he acted like he accidentally dropped the vase, the ashes pouring out onto the carpet. "Why did you do that?!"

My voice was full of hurt, bouncing off the walls and ringing in my own ears.

"I will not have my own daughter come to me and accuse me of such things!" He yelled. "That wouldn't have happened if you had kept your mouth closed. I didn't hurt your mother. She left because she hated you."

"Stop lying!" I screamed. "You hurt her and she was forced to leave!"

I stood up when he didn't respond and I walked over to try and scoop the ashes back into the vase but then my dad kicked the vase, sending it flying through the room. I flinched and stared straight ahead while my dad stood next to me.

"I know you don't want to believe it." He said, his chilling voice sending chills down my spine. "No one likes to be told that their mother hates them but you can't keep living in that imaginary world of thinking she'd actually want you."

The tears were coming out stronger and it stung behind my eyes. My eyebrows came together in a frustrated frown as I tried to keep the sob back that soon escaped my lips, though my hair were hiding my face so he couldn't see it, only hear it.

"Oh, you're crying now?" He asked. "Go to your room, Julie. Stop being such an insufferable fool and get up from the floor."

"You're supposed to love me." I cried in a whisper. I wiped my cheeks and tilted my head back to look up at him while I raised my eyes. "You're supposed to care but you never did, did you?"

I stood up and turned towards him.

"You tolerated me and you raised me because you had to. Stuff and money doesn't equal love. You chased my mother and my brothers away. I know love because I receive that from my friends, from my boyfriend and all of their families so I know what love feels like which isn't something you've ever given me and I have been so stupid to not realize it until now!"

"Go to your room." He repeated.

"No!" I yelled. "You're a fucking coward. I can't believe I have lived under your roof my entire life without knowing that you are the insufferable fool! You're the bad guy here. There was never anything wrong with me. It was all you, you fucking—"

The sound of a clap filled the room and my head snapped to the side. It had happened so fast that I didn't realize what had happened before I felt the stinging in my cheek, spreading to my jaw and the corner of my lip. For a moment, it was like everything in the world stopped and there was a ringing in my ears.

"Get out of my house." He said, the chilling in his voice, scaring me more than the slapping itself. "Go to one of those families you claim love you so much. I'll be at the office but when I come home tonight, I want you gone."

I stayed in the exact spot where he had slapped me, my head still turned to the side, trying to comprehend what happened and I didn't move until I heard the front door slam.

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