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My brothers were gone when I got back to my common room. It seemed as they had left the castle completely so I was relieved, yet full of regret and guilt.

George and I spent roughly ten to fifteen seconds on just roughly making out while grasping onto each other. I was grasping his chest and he was grasping onto the flesh of my thighs. We both wanted each other closer, we were both full of lust, though we eventually broke apart and realised what we were doing was wrong.

I went back to my common room and George to his. I didn't say a word to my friends about it and now it had been about three weeks since it happened.

Fred was still trying to get me to forgive him but now I mostly rejected him because I felt guilty about making out with his brother. I did that only a week after he cheated on me. Sure, Fred cheated on me but that didn't mean I had the right to go and throw myself at his twin brother.

Nick's mood hadn't gotten much better in the last three weeks. He always looked like he had just been crying and he flinched when anyone made any sudden movements. I was really worried about him, we all were but he refused to talk about it.

The only thing he said was that someone knew he was gay and had pushed him to the ground. He said that's how he got the big bruise on his hip. He told us he was just a little shock up about it but I knew it was something deeper and I was scared of what it was, scared of what someone had done to him.

But I didn't want to push it either. Nick was gonna talk about it when Nick was ready to talk about it. Pushing it could possibly make it worse.

"Hey, Julie." Fred's voice came from behind me, making my body tense up as I started walking faster. "Can we talk?"

"Why is it that you always try to talk to me when I'm trying to get from one place to another?" I asked and glanced at him when he caught up with me pretty quickly.

"Your next class is in twenty." He told me. "I know that because I have that class too."

"So?" I asked. "Doesn't mean I don't have anywhere to be."

"For fuck sake, Julie." He sighed. "Just five minutes is all I'm asking."

"I don't want to speak to you, Fred!" I raised my voice and stopped walking to look at him. "What is it you don't understand?!"

"I think I can explain it now." He said with his eyebrows furrowed and a painful expression on his face. "I can explain why I slept with her."

I scoffed, shaking my head at him.

"I'm tired of your explanations." I said. I went to walk away again but he grabbed my hand, tugging me back.

"Please, Jules." He whispered. "It's important. It's really important."

I looked at him for a moment, considering my options while he held my hand. When I nodded slowly, he guided me with him down the corridor and into an empty classroom.

I let out a sigh and jumped up to sit on one of the tables while Fred dug into his pocket.

"I found something in Angelina's nightstand." He told me. "I was suspecting it so I went through her stuff to see if I could find anything."

"What're you saying?" I frowned. "What— that she drugged you?"

He pulled out a vial and walked over to me to show it to me. It was a heart shaped pink vial with a label on it.


"You've got to be kidding me." I scoffed and looked up at him. "What, so you're saying that Angelina drugged you with this and that's why you slept with her? What kind of excuse is that?"

His Hufflepuff ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now