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"Listen, we don't want to ruin how your life is now." Matteo explained. "But you can't blame us for wanting to see our little sister."

"You did see me." I said. "And you let me continue living my life with that excuse of a father."

"Why do you keep talking about him like that?" Matteo asked. "What did he do?"

What didn't he do?

"All I'll say is that when your mum wrote in her diary that Ted Pegas would never lay a hand on his children— that turns out to be a lie."

"He hit you?" Ezra asked and sat up straight. "When?"

Why does he act like he care?

"Nick refuses to talk to me!" Nate's voice made me jump as he entered the common room. "The boy is crying his eyes out. He had a full on panic attack but he won't tell me what's going on."

"What?" I frowned, looking at Nate as he walked over and threw himself next to me.

"He was sitting in the corner of the shower—" Nate looked at me. "In that position, actually."

I undid my arms from around my legs and put them down on the floor.

"He was full clothed with the water just pouring over him." Nate continued. "If I find out who hurt him, I'll murder them."

"He didn't say anything at all?" I questioned. "Not one thing that could hint to why he looks like a broken puppy?"

"No." Nate shook his head. "He ended up screaming at me to leave, so I did because I figured he needs to be alone."

I frowned before I swatted Nate's chest.

"You left him alone?" I asked. "Are you dumb? Go make sure he doesn't do anything stupid! Remember when I was in that state? Go!"

I pointed towards the door and Nate looked at me carefully before he realised I was right. He jumped off the sofa and sprinted out of the common room again.

Oh shit.

Matteo and Ezra witnessed that.

"That was Nate."

"One of the friends with the weed?" Matteo asked and I nodded quickly.

"Yep." I gulped. "He smokes a lot. It's because of a uh— back condition."

What the fuck.

"Uh-huh." Matteo nodded, a smile on his face. He obviously didn't buy that. "So is he your boyfriend?"

My eyes widened and I immediately shook my head.

"Nate?" I asked. "Fuck no. I've had one boyfriend and he turned out to be a complete dimwit."

How did I go from living with my dad whom I thought was an okay person, to sitting here with brothers I didn't know about.

"Where do you live, Julie?" Matteo asked. "Because you're still seventeen, meaning that if you were to live somewhere other than with your guardian, the decision has to be made by the ministry."

"Well I could've lived with our mother." I said, raising my voice a little. Matteo was taken back but he quickly composed himself, clearing his throat as both he as Ezra listened to me. "The ministry helped her and helped you escape. She could've decided to report him, to file an accusation and then she could've been allowed to take me with you, but she left me behind and that excuse she had written in her diary. It's bullshit. Who in their right mind would leave their daughter with their abusive husband?"

His Hufflepuff ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now