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Do you remember that one silent kid in your class? The one you never heard say more than three words in a sentence. The one everyone saw as weird.

That was me. I was this shy innocent Hufflepuff girl who was scared of the attention. Sure, I was in a friend group with five other Hufflepuff kids that were all very loud and I did play on the Quidditch team but I wasn't very confident, only when he played on the other team. He always found a way to make me loosen up, make me feel more confident. He brought out the competitive side in me and when we started dating officially, I slowly gained more and more confidence.

Eventually, I could sit in front of class, I could raise my hand to answer a question and I could even help prank some teachers without being scared of getting caught. I had more fun that way.

I loved him. Bloody hell, I still do. He cheated on me at the end of our sixth year. He slept with this girl from his own house. Fucking Angelina Johnson. She's also on the quidditch team so they play together. He fucking slept with her and I found out after I had caught them kiss in an empty corridor. He and I got into a fight, I yelled, he yelled and I asked if they slept together... he said yes.

My name is Julie Evangeline Pegas. I was born in Glasgow, Scotland to my parents Ted Pegas and Annie Rivers. My mum's a Muggle and she took off a few weeks after my birth. She hadn't known about magic, hadn't known about my fathers status as a Pureblood wizard. When she found out, she first thought he was crazy, then when he proved it, she ran. Left me behind because I was going to be a witch so dad raised me on his own while having his career as an Auror.

When I turned eleven, I got my letter and I was so excited. A few days before September first, dad and I visited Diagon Alley to buy the stuff I needed.

I met Nick Jesus Crane and Seth Ackley Doe on the Hogwarts Express. We sat together and became really close friends. We all came from families that were mostly Hufflepuff and when we got to Hogwarts that night, all three of us got sorted into Hufflepuff.

When we sat down and everyone had been sorted and the feast began, we met Nathaniel Alastair Twig, Callie Cheyenne Dendron and Melba Eversteen Striker, the other part of our group.

We're a group of six which means chaos but I love every single one of them. They're so supportive, though Nate and Callie are a bit high on PDA. They just randomly start snogging each other in the hallways. They started dating in our fifth year, around the same time that I started dating Fred.

He asked me out after Hufflepuff had just won a game against Gryffindor. He congratulated me and then he just blurted out the words. He asked if I wanted to go on a date with him to Hogsmeade.

I never thought he would cheat on me. Ruin everything he had. Though I should probably have seen it coming. I'm a Hufflepuff. Most people hate us, think we're softies. Nothing but softies. Of course he chose a fellow Gryffindor over me. Of course he chose to cheat on me with Angelina fucking Johnson.

"Jules?" Seth's voice pulled me from my trance, making me look up at him. He extended his arm, offering to take my bag and I handed it to him before he pushed it up onto the luggage rack. "Are you okay?"

He looked at me and I simply nodded, offering a faint smile as I sat down on the opposite seat from where Nate and Callie sat.

"Nate!" Callie groaned as she tried pushing him away by his shoulder. "You are taking up all the space!"

"I'm sorry that my legs are so long!" He argued in a dramatic way. "Stop pushing me!"

"Oh my fucking god!" She yelled but shortly after she shrieked as Nate stood up and pulled her with him. He then sat down where she had been sitting. "Seriously? Now you take my spot?"

His Hufflepuff ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now