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"It looks like my face was used as a punching bag." I said and looked at myself in the boutique window. It was this empty shop so that no one could look at me from the other side of the window.

"You're still beautiful though." Nick commented, making me smile.

"Karma will hit him." Melba said. "And it will hit him good."

We were currently in Diagon Alley, spending the day here before Christmas Eve tomorrow which we would just spend at the mansion with Callie's two brothers.

"Why don't we have a movie night tonight?" Nate asked and stepped up behind me, playing with my hair while grinning at me through the window, trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah, we can watch something in the home cinema." Callie suggested. "Make some popcorn and have a really great night together without any worries. Just the six of us."

"No horror films, right?" Nick asked and Callie chuckled before wrapping an arm around him.

"No horror films." She confirmed. "Perhaps a comedy? What do you say, Jules?"

"Sounds nice." I smiled. "I could use a movie night. Haven't watched one in such a long time."

I ripped my eyes away from Callie to look at my reflection in the window while Nate had started braiding my hair.

Though now I saw someone on the other side of the glass. A man in a suit was walking down a staircase and behind him followed first George and then Fred.

What in the world are they doing in there?

"Guys am I daydreaming or is that Fred and George?" I asked, nodding towards the shop we stood in front of.

Melba walked up to the glass and held a hand up to shield her eyes while she stared through it. Then she stepped back and nodded.

"It looks like they're closing some kind of deal?" She said, raising an eyebrow at me. "Do you know anything about that? Have they said anything?"

I shook my head and I heard Seth mutter something under his breath but I didn't hear it and I didn't question him further.

"Oh crap." I cursed. "Fred's gonna see my face."

"And why can't he see your face?" Nate asked. "He won't judge you."

"No, but he'll worry and I just don't want to have to tell the story again." I said, grabbing onto his wrist, then Melba's so I could drag them away from here along with Callie, Nick and Seth.


I froze at the sound of George's voice and mentally cursed before turning around. George was looking at us, mostly at me while Fred talked to the man in a suit. He glanced towards me and smiled to acknowledge me but then turned back tot he conversation to finish it, though he didn't get t because he quickly looked at me again, his eyes wide and his lips parted slightly.

A second later he stood right in front of me, hands on either side of my neck, using his thumb to tilt my head back and to the side.

"What happened?" He asked, studying my face closely. "Jules, what—"

He shook his head, frowning down at me. "What the—"

"Fred." I muttered under my breath, grabbing a hold of his wrist to lower his hands before I looked over at Callie.

I sent her a look with pleading eyes while biting my lip. She nodded, then turned towards the others.

"Guys let's go. We'll meet Julie at the leaking cauldron at six so we can go home." She said, gesturing for our friends to follow her. We exchanged small goodbyes and they said hello to George before they made their way down the street of Diagon Alley.

"Babe." Fred spoke, snapping my eyes back up to look at him. "Did someone hit you?"

"No. I did this to myself." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes before closing them when I realized I wasn't being very nice. "I'm sorry, Freddie. I'm—"

I took a deep breath when Fred cupped my face again, tilting my head back which made me open my eyes.

"Who hit you?" Fred asked. "Was it any of your friends or—"

"My friends?" I frowned. "They would never lay their hands on me."

"Alright, I'm sorry." He hurried to say. "I know that. Just making sure."

He bit onto his lip, gently ghosting his thumb over the bruise which chased me to flinch due to the soreness.

"Shit that looks painful." It came from George as he walked up next to Fred. "Does it hurt? Is it painful?"

"It's sore."

"You confronted your father, didn't you?" Fred asked. My eyes flicked back to him and I took a step back, his hands dropping from my face.

"Confronted her father about what?" George frowned before they both now looked at me. "Confronted your father about what?"

I sighed, chewing on my lip again before my eyes moved to the shop they had exited from a moment ago. The man in a suit had left as George had finished the conversation when Fred had seen me.

"What have you two been up to today?" I asked, nodding towards the shop. "Looking to buy that?"

"We might." Fred muttered. "But don't change the subject. Did your dad hit you?"


"You know what?" George asked when he could see I had a hard time opening up about it. "I'm going to go home. I'll see you soon, Jules."

He sent me a cheeky yet warm smile before grabbing his wand and disapparating from here.

"He hit you." Fred said, a frown plastered on his way while his eyes traced my face, shaking his head slightly. "Your dad fucking hit you."

"Can you talk a little louder?" I asked. "Don't
think your brother in Romania heard you."

"Charlie's home." He frowned, shaking his head again before stepping closer to me, letting his fingers trace over my shoulders. "When did it happen? Why didn't you tell me? Are you okay?"

I closed my eyes but as I took a deep breath, I felt my throat tighten and a sob broke through my lips while I felt a few tears press through my lashes.

"I'm sorry." I hurried to say, wiping them away. "I didn't cry when I told my friends about it but now I'm—"

I clamped a hand over my mouth, resting my forehead against his chest as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders to hug me.

"It's okay." He whispered and pressed a kiss to the side of my head. I ran my arms around his back, holding him tightly while I closed my eyes.

"He kicked me out." I whispered through the tears. "So I'm staying with Callie."

"He kicked you— fuck okay. I'm glad you have somewhere to stay." He said, rubbing his hand up and down my back. "Did you feel like you couldn't talk to me?"

"What?" I tilted my head back to look at him. "No, not at all. I didn't want to worry you is all."

He nodded slowly before carefully pressing a kiss to my lips.

"We promised to be honest with each other, remember?" He asked softly, threading through the front of my hair with his fingers. "Of course I'll worry about you, darling. I love you."

"I'm sorry." I breathed, flashing a small smile. "And I love you too."

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