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"Nope." I coughed, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. "That's terrible."

"No it's not." Nate got all defensive as he grabbed the vodka bottle from my hand. "It's probably the best muggle invention ever."

"I'm with Julie on this one." Callie said. "Plus, you promised me you hadn't brought any alcohol to school. You're gonna get fucking expelled if you get caught."

"Well–" Seth shrugged. "If a students gets caught smoking, they'll get expelled for that too but the three of us–"

He pointed between Nate, me and himself. "...have been smoking for two years and we haven't got caught yet. Nate, hand me the bottle. I need to get drunk."

When Seth got a hold of the bottle, he threw his head back and took a big sip from it, then let out a breath and handed it to Nick who did the same. Nick's not big on drinking but sometimes he likes to get himself drunk. Especially if he's stressed out and he has been for the past couple of days.

He realised that this really is our last year before we enter the real world. He's terrified of the real world. Gets quite anxious about it. He doesn't like change. It was the same when we started Hogwarts. He had to get used to the new everyday and now he's scared of leaving school and having to get used to a new everyday.

Nick wants to be a healer at St. Mungos. Nate's working to become a genealogist who studies the Wizarding families lineage. Seth's going to be a obliviator, Callie loves dragons and she's counting on becoming a dragonologist in Sweden, Melba's plan is to be an auror and I.. I want to play quidditch for a living. To join the English national quidditch team. Fred and I used to talk about it. Our future. He wanted to open a shop with George and I wanted to be a professional quidditch player. We supported each other and we were so excited for a future together.

"You know what? Give me the bottle." I ordered, holding out my hand towards Nick. "I need to get him out of my head."

He handed over the bottle and I threw my head back, the bottle against my lips as I consumed as much as I could in one go before I had to take a breath for some air.

"Holy shit." Melba cursed. "That's hot."

"Want some?" I asked, offering her the bottle with a grin on my face. She shook her head as her face scrunched up in disgust and I shrugged. I was about to drink some more when Nate grabbed it out of my hand.

"Did no one teach you how to share?" he joked as he himself drank some more. After a while of just sitting on the ground in the courtyard, drinking and talking, I found myself feeling pretty tipsy and when I saw Fred walk past alone, I couldn't help but wonder.

"Oi! Weasley!" I called with a grin on my face. He stopped dead in his tracks and I could see he tensed up. He slowly turned around, taking in my friend group as we were all sitting on the ground, most of us tipsy from drinking. "Where's George?"

His eyes landed on me and he licked his lips before shrugging. "Library. Why?"

"And Jordan?"

"Lee's..." he sighed. "He's got class."

"Towler?" I then asked as I pulled myself up to stand on my knees. "Do you know where he's at?"

"What're you on about, Julie?" he asked. "Why are you asking about my roommates?"

"I'm just curious." I shrugged, biting my bottom lip as I eyed him up and down. He looked good. So bloody good.

"Kenneth and Lee have class together during this time a day, remember?" he asked, then shook his head. "I gotta go."

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