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My bedroom was itself. Looked the same as always, smelled the same as always. My room was quite big, just down the hallway from my dads bedroom and then there was the two doors that were always locked with a certain smell and I didn't care to undo it because I was scared of my dads anger.

I knew one of the rooms were my mum and dads old bedroom but the other one I didn't know about. Didn't know what it was hiding.

The walls of my room were a light shade of grey and so was the ceiling while the floor was a light wood.

My bed was queen-sized, pressed up against the corner of the room. The mattress was covered in grey sheets and the duvet covers were white with grey stripes. My six usual throw pillows sat in the corner by the bed frame and the duvet was hanging off the bed slightly, covering the three drawers under it. My grey blanket was also thrown over the bed and on the wall hung my four dream catchers in different colors and sizes. On the other wall above the bed was my white shelf, covered in picture frames I bought here in the Muggle world along with a candle and in one end was a plant that had grown over the years and almost reached the floor.

A stack of books were piled up on the floor next to my bed and a lamp formed as a star. By my bed was a white fur carpet and next to the door where I stood, was my closet and under the window was my desk.

I had missed my room. I loved being in here but now I knew that growing up here and living in this room had been great but everything was based on a lie.

With a sigh, I let my trunk drop to the floor, then walked over and let myself drop on the bed on my stomach.

Matteo and Ezra Pegas.
Matteo and Ezra Rivers.
Matteo and Ezra... Evergreen?


I rolled over on my back, staring at the grey ceiling. My ceiling fan was turned off, though it was almost turned on because my room got quiet hot all year around. I'd probably turn it on in a moment.

I had to find a moment to confront my dad about the diary, about the things I've learned about my mum in the last three weeks.

"Julie!" His voice called from downstairs. "Your shoes are spread across the floor. You know what I think about that!"

I sighed and looked placed a hand on my face before forcing myself to sit up. I scooted to the edge of the bed, stood and left my room.

On my way down the hallway, I shot a glance at the two doors that were locked, then turned the corner and hurried down the stairs.

"Sorry." I muttered when I passed my dad on the way to the foyer. I crouched down and picked up my shoes, placing them neatly by the wall.

"I need to speak to you." He said. I looked up. He had turned around and was now facing me in the doorway that connected the foyer to the kitchen where the staircase was that led upstairs. "Something I found."

I frowned but when he turned around and walked into the kitchen, I followed. Dad leaned against the kitchen counter and when I approached him, he opened his palm, revealing the black hammered metal ring.

"Wha—" I frowned and looked down at my hand. I had put the ring in my pocket so that my dad didn't see it. He never liked that I dated Fred and I didn't want him to question the ring. "You went through my pockets? You can't do that!"

"J plus F." He spoke, ignoring me. "Julie plus— Fred? You're still with that boy?"

I didn't answer his ridiculous question. I glanced up at his face, then looked at the ring in his hand.

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