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I swear to god the universe hates me.

So, today I had to go see my contact/support person who helps me with my anxiety and stuff like that. We had to have a zoom meeting with a counsellor from my school to talk about exams and what I want to do after, and with my social anxiety, that was really challenging, meaning that I was already having a bad day of being anxious.

THEN, I walk outside when the meeting is done. I have to go home, y'know, order a pizza so I can CRY and then I take on bad step and I sprain my ankle, meaning, I had to walk home with a sprained ankle.

THEN if that's not enough for the universe, an icicle falls from the streetlight and hits me in the head.

But it's allllll good, because I've ordered pizza.

Now enjoy my chapter. I simply thought you would all love to know that I'm not on god's good side.


When I got back to Seth and Violet's flat, she had gone to work. Seth was awake, making coffee in the kitchen while Callie was sleep on the sofa. Nate and Melba were nowhere to be found, and when I asked Seth about it, he told me they must've snuck out during the night.

Apparently Seth wasn't too worried. I didn't know what to think. I mean, two of our friends wandered out into the night while probably still as drunk as they were when I left.

I stood in the living room, looking at Callie who slept on the sofa. Why would Melba and Nate leave in the middle of night? Why would Nate not bring his girlfriend?

"Here." Seth offered a cup of coffee as he walked into the living room, but as I reached for it, he pulled it back. "Wait? Should you be drinking coffee? Because I heard that caffeine is bad for the baby."


"I'll make you one without caffeine." He nodded quickly and turned back around to walk into the kitchen again.

Is this how pregnancy is gonna be?

As I turned around to sit in the chair, Melba suddenly appeared in the living room, making me shriek as I sprung back up.

"Seriously?!" I exclaimed in annoyance. "You can't just do that!"

Then I took in how she looked. She was out of breath, kinda sweaty and her hair was a mess. She also looked pretty panicked.

"We need to go!" She said as she walked over and shook Callie to wake her up while Seth joined us, looking at Melba with a confused look.

"Where've you been?" He asked. "Where's Nate?"

"We're leaving to go to Nate!" Melba yelled at him as she shook Callie more violently. Seth and I exchanged a worried look, before Callie woke up with a scream.

"Stop shaking me you fucking whore!" Her voice echoed through the flat. "I am trying to sleep!"

"We seriously need to go!" Melba told us. "Nate is waiting for us at a warehouse. We need to—"

"Woah, woah, woah." Seth said, holding up his hands. "A warehouse? What the fuck did you do?"

"Let's just fucking go!" Melba pulled Callie off the sofa, grabbed her hand and then managed to grab onto both Seth and I too, before she disapparated us from the flat.

Seconds later, we landed in a dark warehouse, only lit up by some faint lights. It was quite bit, but quite empty too.

My eyes widened when I saw Nate and then the person who was laying lifeless on the ground. I heard Callie shriek and we both stood there, covering our mouths in shock.

"What the fuck!" Seth yelled, walking towards the body on the ground. He crouched down and pressed two fingers to his pulse, then immediately looked up at Nate who was in shock. "What did you do, mate? What did you— oh shit. This is bad. This is really bad."

He stood up and looked back at us girls as we stood next to each other. I looked to Melba who stood between Callie and I, and I then moved away from her.

"I-It was— an accident." She stammered, staring at the body that I was pretty sure was dead. "It's not Nate's fault. We— We were drunk and we thought now was a good time to kidnap him. It all— a-all happened so fast."

"Oh my god." I muttered against my hand as my other hand went to rest against my stomach. It was an automatic reaction. To try and protect my baby even though it wasn't in danger. "Nate, you killed him? You said you wanted to kidnap him and get the truth!"

Nate slowly turned to look at me, shock still showing in his eyes.

"We did get the truth." He said calmly. "He forced Iris Pertinger to have sex with Nick to turn him straight."

His voice was way too calm, making him sound and look scary as fuck. Callie rushed over to him and grabbed his face in her hands.

"What did you do?" She whispered. "Nate, this is— you're gonna get into so much trouble."

"No he's not." Melba said. "We're leaving."

"You're— what?" Seth frowned as stood back up. "You have to turn yourselves in. You killed Adrian Pucey."

"It was a fucking accident!" Melba yelled. "But how do you think it'll look, huh, Seth? They'll think we did it on purpose to get revenge on what happened to Nick, but it wasn't supposed to go this far! They'll give us the dementors kiss!"

I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts as I started pacing back and forth.

"You're not leaving alone." Callie then said. "We're coming with."

"We are?" Seth asked while I started laughing as I shook my head. My friends turned towards me, waiting for me to say something.

"We are not coming with you. I am not gonna be an accomplice to this. I-I... what about Fred? I'm having his baby. I can't just— I am not going to Azkaban for this!"

"Which is why we need to leave the country immediately!" Melba yelled.

"No!" I yelled back. "I finally have things my way, Mel! I may sounds fucking selfish but maybe I am! I'm playing quidditch like I always wanted to, I finally have a healthy relationship to Fred, and I'm moving in with him! To not mention the fact that his baby is in my uterus right now. I'm not letting you take that away from me. I can't do this. We can't—"

I started hyperventilating, bringing my hands up to tug at my hair. I was freaking out. Panicking.

My friends killed Pucey.


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