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September first was a Friday, meaning we didn't have school on the second, neither the third. Classes started on the fourth of September and it was a great morning. I loved school, I honestly did. Though I dreaded it a little bit because I had charms and even though I had it with all five of my best friends, I knew that Fred would be there too. I knew that Charms wasn't a lesson he'd drop so he was definitely gonna be there. The same with George and probably also Angelina.

The morning started off with Callie, Melba and I getting ready together in our room that we shared with fifth-years Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones. Afterwards we met the boys in the common room and then we left the Hufflepuff basement to go get breakfast. Good thing was that Fred wasn't there when we got up to the Great Hall. Either he had already eaten or he was going to eat at a later time.

Though it turned out that he had already eaten. When my friends and I walked into class after breakfast, laughing about some stupid thing Nick said, Fred, George and Angelina all sat on the back row on the right side of the classroom. I slid down from Seth's back to take a seat on the back row in the left side of the room. He had been giving me a piggyback ride, only because I practically begged him.

"You can't deny it." Nick continued his argument with Melba. "I am the best chaser Hogwarts has ever had."

"As if." Melba scoffed once we were all seated, three of us on the back row and the other three on the next one. "You always look like a confused goose when we play and Jules or Seth always have to swoop right in and safe your sorry ass."

"Okay, you don't have to be so mean about it!" he exclaimed. "I am sure if you ask anyone... no, ask Ced. He'll tell you I'm the best Hogwarts has ever had."

"Alright, Nick. You wanna know who the best chaser in Hogwarts history is?" I asked. "That would most likely be James Potter. The best beater would be fucking George over there. Then there's the seeker. Everyone knows Charlie Weasley was the best in history and the best keeper was Oliver Wood."

"Wait." Callie said. "Do you notice a pattern?"

"What?" I questioned as she looked at me. She groaned and covered her face with her hands. "Callie, what?"

"We are never going to beat Gryffindor." Seth sighed, sinking into his seat. "All the best in history were on Gryffindor."

"So?" I raised an eyebrow. "We've won over them once before. We can do it again."

"You know, Jules is right." Melba said with a smile. "We are going to show everyone at Hogwarts that Hufflepuff is more than just being soft. We might be loyal as fuck. We might be fair but you know what else we are? We are hard working and we are dedicated. We will win against Ravenclaw first, then we'll smash Gryffindor and lastly we will take the victory from Slytherin."

"Don't be so sure about that." it came from the other side of the room and the six of us immediately looked at Angelina who had spoken. "As you just said, Pegas. George is the best beater in history."

"That's true." I nodded, licking my lips. "But we've got Diggory. The best of the four seekers that currently play at Hogwarts."

"And what about you?" she pressed. "I can mention nine chasers that are better than you."

"Angie." Fred tried to get her to stop but her eyes stayed on mine and I could see the determination in her eyes. She wanted to try and humiliate me.

"Let's see." she said as she started counting on her fingers. "Let's start with Ravenclaw, shall we? They are the ones you'll play against first. Who do we have... Roger Davies, Bradley Cooper, David Chambers. Let's then look at Slytherin as they will be the last you play against. Cassius Warrington, Adrian Pucey and Graham Montague. Now to the best team. Gryffindor. Let's start with myself, yeah? Then there's Alicia Spinnet and... Katie Bell."

His Hufflepuff ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now